Friday, February 22, 2013

Wed. Feb. 20 Day 42    42F/5½C @ 9:30,   44F/6½C @ 10:30   54F/12C @ 2PM

Rain stopped by morning; it did get quite heavy late at night.  Sheila decided to rest her knee again today so she did not come to water V. Ball.  This morning it was cloudy but by 10AM the sun is out & it is mostly blue sky.  It’s warming reasonably quickly so I went up to the pool and we had 18 people there.  With the sun beaming down & the warm water you didn’t feel cold at all.  After the hot tub & lunch I went to the Texas Hold-um lessons.  It is basically a 7 card game, 2 down, (your hand), and 5 up which are everyone’s cards.  What I don’t like is the betting system where you can be obliged to put a relatively large amount up before you see any cards.  Suffice to say I am not impressed and not really interested in playing it.  I get the impression you are not playing for the enjoyment of playing with your companion players, it’s not a fun game, its work to earn money. After supper in the RV it’s off to the Neil Diamond tribute concert by A Z Diamond up in the ballroom.  He put on a good show, over 2 hours with the intermission. The ballroom was full.  Sheila found it too loud & had to wear ear plugs as usual.  Both she and several other people she talked to said they thought the sound was quite badly distorted.   Whether having the volume turned down a bit would have helped, we’ll never know, since they wouldn’t do it even when it was requested. They get capacity crowds for the shows here, with 1000 sites in the park, even when the park is not full, there are more people wanting to go to events than tickets.  For example for the Canada Day event, (we were too late arriving here to get tickets), they opened the hallway from the ballroom into the banquet room to get 400 people in and sold out fast. 

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