Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fri Feb 8 rain showers, 8:15 AM – 44F/6½C, 10:30 AM – 56F/13C,

Today we got up early for the breakfast in the ballroom, dubbed the Palms Café for Fri morning breakfast. It was cloudy and cold when we went up to the clubhouse &  it was raining on the return.  I don’t think I will go up to the pool, even though the water is warm, it is cold in the air when you are wet.  However Judy phoned to ask when I was coming up, then the rain stopped and the sun was trying to come out, so away I went!  There were only 5 of us in the pool so we played for almost an hour then went to the hot tub.  I could have stayed there all day but it was approaching lunch time & it also was starting to sprinkle again. After lunch in the RV I went down to Wal-Mart to get some Sta-Bil for the gas tank.  I realized that the RV would be sitting still for at least 2 months so I thought I should do the same as for storage and put the fuel stabilizer in.  On route back I went to the Chase bank to withdraw money.  They do not charge a fee to withdraw like other banks do – usually $2.50 to $3.00 - so that was good.  Then we went to the Fri afternoon wine & cheese welcome reception., It runs every Fri. afternoon at 3:30 and they provide free wine, (and lemonade fortunately for me), and 3 types of cheese. While talking to people there they said that they just drove in from Banning and there was snow there.  Banning is only 14 miles north of us but is up a hill but maybe only 1 or 2 thousand feet and they got snow!  It has been raining off & on through the day and has stayed cool to cold, mostly in the 40’sF/5-8C. Sheila went to Winco and got a hot roast chicken, potato wedges & 2 deli salads for supper. The cost of all that was only $3.28 each, (we had ½ the chicken left over).  Then it was R & R time in the RV – TV, computer, blog, sorting out pictures we’d taken weeks ago etc.