Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sat Feb 9 sun with cloud 44F/6½C @ 9AM then got to 50F/10C, & stayed there all day

I did go up to water volleyball, there were 24 people in the 2 pools. Due to the weather they cancelled the entertainment & the food service – the only people near the pool were us crazy volleyballers.  After lunch I did some jobs, (I put Sta-Bil in the gas, tightened a cpl screws, & went out to the Elks hall to get their entertainment schedule, etc).  I stopped at KFC buffet on route back from the Elks hall to see cost & hours – seniors are $7.99, includes a drink and is available 7 days a week 10AM to 8PM.  Sheila spent the morning & afternoon finishing her letter to Vicki, sending emails & checking dates for an upcoming dinner theatre.  For supper we succumbed to the call of KFC and went there. I had 5 pieces of chicken, (they had original, extra crispy & roast), plus they had salad stuff, biscuits & 2 gravies, (white & brown), mashed potatoes, corn, lasagna, macaroni & cheese plus dessert stuff.  Then we came back to the RV for R & R, watching a DVD, (Zookeeper), for the night.  It was an OK movie but a very routine plot.  It was fun watching the animals and the extra features about filming & working with the animals was more interesting than the movie.

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