Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sun Feb 3 clear skies & sunny, highs to mid 74F/23C

Got up & walked up to the office to get the Sunday paper which is supposed to have the TV schedule in it – it doesn’t!  Then, breakfast & up to the pool for the volleyball game.  Sheila followed later arriving at 11:20.  After the hot tub, back to the RV for lunch then I went out for batteries for the keyboard, a TV Guide & a cpl of grocery items.  I went over to the ball room where the game TV was and they are selling chilli dogs for $3.00 with lots of topping stuff.  It was a good game, right down to the last minute, almost like a CFL game.  The Baltimore Ravens won 31-29.  Sheila was happy because she was rooting for them, but the San Francisco 49er’s did a good job of coming from way behind, (score was 29-6 at half-time), & probably deserved to win.  We do think the TV coverage for CFL is better because the camera goes closer in to the play rather than showing most of the field.  We did find it hard to follow the ball at times as the camera was showing a very wide view.  T.G. for instant replays.

We came back to the RV for an evening of TV, & R&R.  Sheila was able to watch two episodes of Downton Abbey on TV.  I set the VCR up so we can record shows if we are out at events in the evening, which is often. 

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