Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sun. Feb. 24 Day 46   52F/11C @ 9AM,   64F/18C @ 12:45 

Off to the pool, and found that the water was a bit cooler today than yesterday, we played anyway.  We came back for lunch in the RV and then Sheila settled in to watch the Oscars while I caught up on computer stuff.  I went out to get some take-out Chinese at a place we found that gives giant portions – the large size Styrofoam take out box jammed full to the lid, overflowing almost – all for $5.99!  We split that and sat to watch the Oscars event. It was neat to see that Argo won best picture, because the story was based on the Canadian Embassy in Iran hiding several US embassy staff and getting them out of the country safely when there was an uprising against the U.S. and it’s citizens living there.  Daniel Day-Lewis won his third Oscar for his portrayal of Lincoln.  Jennifer Lawrence won best actress for “Silver Linings Playbook,” a movie Sheila really wants to see.  “The Story of Pi” won several awards & sounds like a good movie.  Sheila wants to see it also.  We had a quiet evening at home for a change.

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