Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mon. Feb. 18 Day 40   45F/7C @ 9AM,    50F/10C @ 10 AM,   64F/17C @ 1:30PM

Mikaela’s 5th birthday.

I have dropped putting sunny & clear in the weather line because it is mostly always sunny & clear by mid day, I will put in overcast or cloudy if it cloudy all day.
We went up for our water volleyball game and because today is a holiday, (Presidents Day), there was no music entertainment & no visiting restaurant preparing lunch.  Sheila is off to the clubhouse at 3:00 to scrub potatoes for tonight’s “Spud Night” event.  I saw one of the mobile RV repair services in the park so I got him to come by to look at the broken  grey tank vent cover on the roof. They had a replacement vent cover in the truck & fixed it quickly.  Only $40.  We relaxed in the sun and then made our dessert dish & went up to the ballroom for the Spud Night Event.  You pay $2.00 and the park supplies potatoes, butter, and sour cream.  Everyone brings a dish to share for a table of 8.  We actually pulled 2 tables together for a group of 15, so we had lots of ‘additions’, (veggies & dip, salsa & tortilla chips, grilled peppers, hot cheese dip, chilli, BBQ smokies, KFC chicken, onions, shredded cheese, muffins & dessert!) Sheila’s ‘Berry Fluff’ dessert was a real hit—several ladies were asking for the recipe. It started at 4:30 and they had Karaoke starting at 6.  They had several of the people from the talent night singing so it was great entertainment with very little real Karaoke, i.e. when people, who think they can sing & can’t, get up to try. 
We were back at the RV by 7:15 pm to be ready for Michael & Adeline’s 8 o’clock Skype call.  They were late connecting because of problems getting their WiFi connected.  When they finally called at 8:15, we watched Mikaela open her birthday gifts, (a sundress, skirt, book and Beauty & the Beast CD/storybook), and chatted for about 20 frustrating minutes.  Reception was really bad—the call kept getting dropped and we had to reconnect; the picture kept breaking up; and the sound was often distorted.  Even so—it was great seeing the girls again and hearing about Mikaela’s party and Michael’s current project.

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