Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tues Feb 12   40F/4½C @8AM,    50F/10C @10AM,    60F/15½C @1PM,    62F/16½ @2PM

We went to J&M’s restaurant for the Breakfast Club today. We drove over with Larry & Judy.  When I went out to their car just after 8AM there was actual frost on the roof of our car. It was thin but it was still frost, nothing on the windows though, I guess the low humidity means there isn’t much moisture in the air.  When we returned I changed & went off to water volleyball, Sheila was going to the Ladies Luncheon today so she skipped volleyball. After hot tubbing, I came back to RV for lunch & to catch up on the blog & other stuff.  Sheila came in & then went out again to get the finger nail that she broke fixed.  Today is farmer’s market day so I’m going to check it out. Sheila eventually came back, got a quick bite and went out again to a Skip-Bo game that the ladies play while their husbands are in the Texas Hold-Um tournament, (it runs once a week).  I then discovered that we are just about out of propane so I called the front office & put in an order, the truck will arrive sometime tomorrow & refill my tank. It is a bit of a nuisance having to wait for the truck but otherwise I would have to unhook all the services, (power, water, sewer, cablevision); put stuff away that could fall or slide around; take off my front windshield cover; put down the awning; drive to the gas station for propane then return, manoeuvre back in to our spot & set-up & re-connect everything again.  Sheila returned about 8:30.  She really enjoys the chit chat of the group of ladies she plays with.


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