Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tues. Feb. 26 Day 47   66F/18½C @ 11AM

I didn’t have a good night, I was coughing & wakening up quite often so we didn’t go to the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club & I skipped volleyball.  We are driving to Palm Springs today to attend a free event in the Rancho Mirage Library–- a 90 min. audio/visual presentation on Frank Sinatra.  Because of that, I didn’t want to exert too much energy this morning.  Sheila did go to the pool for a shortened game.  We left GVP about 11:45 & got to the library about 12:45.  The #10 freeway is a marvellous road, wide, smooth, with a slight down grade going east.  I was just cruising along hardly any road noise, my foot barely on the gas when I looked at the GPS - - 91 MPH, that’s over 146 KPH, and I am just keeping up with traffic, passing some & some passing me.   After the Frank Sinatra thing, (what Dave Shaner did was to present Sinatra singing 2 versions of various songs, often recorded years apart, with different arrangements and different musicians/bands performing with him).   It was interesting to hear how different he sounded when singing with the different bands & at different times in his life.  For instance, in the songs he recorded in the 1940’s when he was younger, his voice was much more melodic, but it didn’t have ‘character’ & styling it had when he was twenty years older in the 1960’s.  It was a good program, but we both would have liked to have learned more about his life.   After the program, we went with Lois & Bob over to the Daily Grill for a late lunch. We got in just before the lunch menu switched over to the dinner menu at 4 pm--(more $$).  After eating and talking, we strolled down El Paseo Boulevard looking in all the exclusive stores, - Sak’s 5th Ave, Louis Vutton, Wolfgang Pucks Pizza Place etc.  We stopped in at a Spice store Lois & Bob had been to before. It had every imaginable spice including some we’d never heard of.  They even have taster bottles so you can shake a tiny bit on your hand and taste it.  Sheila bought some Tomato powder, a vanilla sugar, and a small packet of freeze-dried corn which tastes a bit like sweet, corn-flavoured candy.  We left there about 6 pm & were back at GVP about 7:15.  Sheila went over to Larry & Judy’s to see how Larry had done at Texas Hold’em.  (He stayed in for about 2 hrs. before he went broke, - it’s a $10.00 buy in so that is the max you can lose).  Larry had spent the day checking prices, and organizing for the St. Pat’s Day dinner the four of us are putting on two weeks from now.  We will be staying home again tonight, doing the journal & watching TV.  I am feeling better but still coughing a bit & feeling like I have no energy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, hope you're not coming down with a cold (or worse!), too...
