Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sun. Feb. 17 Day 39  62F/16½C @ 10AM,     70F/21C @ 1PM

We went up for our regular morning routine of volleyball etc then back to RV for lunch because Sunday is the one day we don’t have live music entertainers and lunch going on.  After lunch we sat outside in the sun until after 3 then we took off for the Elks.  There is a group playing this afternoon called “Banjo Maniacs”.  Sheila can’t dance but we can listen, have cheap drinks and they do a dinner of steak or chicken with a baked potato, salad, bun plus lots of butter & sour cream.  I bought 50/50 ticket for $5.00 --- and won   $35!  Sheila was drinking Southern Comfort drinks which are “top shelf” and cost 25 cents more - $4.00 instead of $3.75.  My cans of pop are $1.75. After supper we came back to GVP where Sheila went to the Sunday evening gospel sing, she was not impressed--the lady had a great voice & could sing but, she did more hymns than rousing southern gospel type stuff and several of the songs she & her husband sang were not ones the audience could join in, which defeats the whole purpose of a gospel ‘sing.’ While Sheila was there,I went to Winco for some items we needed for tomorrow’s “Spud Night” event. Then back to the RV for Sheila to watch the season final (yea!) episode of Downton Abby which she has to watch live due to the recording problem.

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