Friday, February 22, 2013

Thurs. Feb. 21 Day 43   51F/10½C @ 9AM,   53F/11½C @ 1PM,   56F/13C @ 3PM

Off to volleyball despite some cloud.  It actually started to sprinkle while we were playing but nobody quit & it stopped after several minutes, then the sun broke through, and in the sun, it was actually quite warm.  Lunch in the RV, then we will be off to Emilio’s restaurant & bar for the weekly Happy Hour with the volleyball crowd & other GVP people--usually they will have a dozen or more.  A regular crowd goes every Thursday from around 3 to around 5.  Some of the people are ones that used to play water volleyball but have since moved out of the park to housing elsewhere in Hemet so it’s great to keeping touch.
Before we go to Emilio’s Sheila is sitting outside icing her leg & reading. It is nice, pleasant & warm sitting in the sun here even at 56F/13C.  One couple (Vern & Jane) came in from Mesa, Arizona yesterday & they said Mesa had set a weather record.  Never before had they ever had 4 consecutive days where the temperature did not get over 60F/15½C.  So the whole south west is getting colder than normal weather this year.  We are suffering down here!!!  I’ve had to wear long pants & long sleeve shirts on a couple of days and it is sometimes cool walking on the cold concrete from the 90F/33C pool to the 100+(40C), hot tub, that’s about 15 feet in the cold!
We went to Emilio’s and joined the gang for a fun hour or so then checked out a recently opened, (3months), buffet place that combines Mongoli Grill, Asian, Japanese & Chinese with lots of seafood, even oysters on the half shell, $9.45 for dinner.  We were too full to partake, of course because we’d each had a free appetizer with our drinks at Emilio’s.  They gave us about a 7” plate piled high with heated tortilla chips covered with a very generous serving of shredded beef, cheese & onions. With the other tortilla chips & salsa we devoured, it was enough for supper.
Tonight we went to see the movie “Zero Dark 30”, which is based on the true account of the tracking & locating of Osama Bin Ladin by the CIA.  It was an interesting movie but we got a bit confused at times with all the Muslim & Arabic names sounding the same, plus many of the men all look somewhat alike with the beards and often long hair. Sheila was missing dialogue quite a bit, so found the plot difficult to follow at times. 

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