Friday, February 8, 2013

Thurs Feb 7 clear & sunny,  9 AM 50F/10C, 10 AM 57F/14 C, 1 PM 68F/20C

While at Winco yesterday I found their take-out hot roast chickens are $3.98 for a 24 oz,  (680 gram), bird--seems like a real deal.  It is warming fast so off to Water Volleyball this morning, Sheila is joining in later, but I should make it by 10:30.  After the game & a hot tub soak then into the shower, change, lunch at the Palms Cabana then over to the movie, (today is seniors day, admission $5.00).  We saw Django Unchained.  I enjoyed it and Sheila lasted all the way through. She liked most of the movie except the ending because Django had changed into a cold blooded killer.  I had issues with some of the special effects being a little over the top.  We had supper at Long John Silvers (fish & chips) and picked up 2 or 3 grocery items then back to the RV.  We then went up to the clubhouse for Talent Night.  They had 7 GVP residents that performed for a cash first prise of $250.00.  There were two comedians, 4 singers and 1 man who sang & acted a scene from Camelot.  Most of them were very good, especially the comedians.   Back to the RV afterwards for evening TV.  I have got the VCR figured out and can record stuff while we are out in the evening.

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