Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mon. Feb.  25 Day 46   54F/12C @ 9:15,   63F/16½C @ 10 AM,   66F/19C @ noon

We went up for our daily volleyball game but stopped a bit early because we were going with Larry & Judy to visit Jim & Sue and play Jokers and Pegs with them.  We went over to Wendy’s for lunch first, and in looking at their Value Menu I discovered that someone in the organization is not good at math.  They have an item – 10 chicken nuggets for $5 on their regular menu which comes in ‘spicy’ & ‘regular’ flavours.  On the Value Menu they have 6 nuggets for $1.49 and another line has 4 nuggets for 99 cents.  That’s the same number for half the price!  After lunch, we drove down to the Thousand Trails Park in Menifee, where Jim & Sue live, (they are full timers).  Jim makes the Jokers & Pegs games, I have one of his.  We played three games boys against girls; the girls won two games but the last one only by one peg.  Then we went to the Yellow Basket for supper. It is very nice, and very reasonable. You order at a counter but then they bring everything to the table.  After supper we drove home.  The crib game is on tonight and usually Judy & I go but we missed the start by 5 minutes so we are back to the RV for the evening watching our usual Monday night TV shows.

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