Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Feb 28 2010

A day to remember, Canada wins Mens Gold in hockey after a very exciting game to match the Womens Gold winning game. We also took Gold in the Mens curling but I didn't see the game. And Canada now has 14 Gold Medals, to take top spot in number of Gold Medals ever won by any country in a Winter Olympics. We were tied at 13 Gold Medals with 2 other countrys, now we are the top.
It was a great weather day, sunny & clear after yesterday & last nights rain storm. We had a great VB game, splitting into 2 pools. I got back to the RV 1 min after the start of the game & watched the first period in the RV, then over to the Big TV in the clubhouse where there was quite a excited crowd of Canadaian & US supporters. Everyone stood & sang for the anthem at the medal ceremony.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fri/Sat Feb 26/27

Fri started with the usual VB, Cabana lunch & music. Spent the afternoon looking up flight times for our Florida trip then after supper it was shuffleboard with an ice cream break between games provided by George & Wayne the organizers. Then back for Olympic TV & more computer time looking at flights etc. It was a nice warm day but big storm forcast for to-night.

Sat I woke to rain around 8, rolled over & slept till 10:30. There were also some strong wind gusts. Decided to do laundry & some shopping. Rain returned off & on. When I came out of Target it was raining a normal Vancouver type rain, not too hard, and people are standing in the doorway not going out, waiting with their shoppping carts for the rain to stop I guess. The rest of Sat will be some interior cleaning & TV. The Olympics isn't quite over but right now Canada has more gold medals than anyone else and no matter what happens on Sunday we can't be surpast in overall total gold medals. I'd say the "own the podium" program worked well. I saw the team pursuit gold win. The hockey game is on at noon all time zones live. I don't know when they will show the closeing on Sunday but after the opening delayed start I have signed me & Sally up for Bridge at 6:30. I have seen several shows on NBC profiling Canada and today a half hour show on what a great friend & neibour we are & how we really came to help when Sept 11, 2001 grounded aircraft. It was mostly on Gander NF & how they really came through to help over 6,000 stranded passengers, they said that given Ganders pop of 10,000 it was like 6 million people suddenly showed up in NY needing everything. It was the type of show you would expect CTV to produce, not Tom Brokaw of NBC.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fun Night Feb 24, the Volly Ball group table, organized by Neva. From lower left clockwise we have: Sheila, Gerry, Gerri, Ross, Neva, Ralfe, then lower front right is Bob, his wife Cheryl is on his right.

This one shows Cheryl better. The standing lady above Bob's head is Rose. Ross is on Neva's right, me & Neva have the same checkered hats that we wear for VB

Tues/Wed Feb 23/24

Tues was an overcast day so a bit cooler. IHOP for bike breakfast, they were doing a charity thing with the Childrens Hospital where you got a short stack for free, thats three 6 or 7 inch pancakes, for a possible donation. They have a delicious butter pecan syrup too. I ate my stuffed strawberry french toast but had to take my scrambled eggs, sausage & hash browns home for tomorrows breakfast. After it was VB as normal. Then, after hot tubing as I was going to sit & listen to music someone called my name. Turns out it was Pete & Marg from the Hot Springs desert BLM camp that we met there last year, they were in the group with Ed & Doreen. I went out & did my shopping for tomorrows Fun Night, I got a black shirt at the Sally Ann but I couldn't find Cheese Wiz at WinCo so got a medium cheese dip. I got some more cleaning done in the RV. I've finished the back bedroom now, (windows & fantstic fan screen & blades). I watched Olympics & saw the Canadian skater come third in the short skate. (In the Wed LA newspaper she got a full page story & picture on the front of the sports section). The NBC coverage starts tonight at 8 & they bounce between various events and it ends at midnight. Sometimes I don't stay up for the end.

Wed is warmer with lots of sun. I tried the bratwurst at lunch,mmm good. After music ended at 2:00, I went to get my cheese & celery ready. Turns out the medium cheese dip is hotter than I would call medium. I mixed in a bunch of shreeded cheese & cream cheese to "cool" it a bit with limited results so I have lots of chese dip. A lot did get used so I don't have too much left. After filling up on "finger food" we had Dave entertaining with songs, funny poems & jokes. Then Gerri & Ross held a trivia quiz, out of 20 questions our table got 15 right. At the end they said anyone over 12 stand & ours & one other table tood, anyone over 13 & they sat so we won & everyone got a prize, mine was a nice blue rectangle glass nibblies dish, a good addition to the RV. Back to the RV for TV and Olympics. Saw Canada get silver in speed skating womens relay and Canada get the Gold & Silver in womens Bobsled.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

GVP's Canada Day and the Valentines Fun Night

The video is from utube. I don't know who filmed it. Of the almost 9 mins it breaks down as follows: 0-12 seconds is people gathering for a group shot, square dancers I think, nothing to do with GVP. 12- 30 seconds is, I think our first Fun Club Night event which was a pot luck where you brought a dish & put it out to form a giant buffet for everyone. They then took pictures of the 12 months with everyone haveing a birthday in the month. Pearl said they're thinking of doing a calander as a fund raiser. 30-1:38 is of Canada Day, with the piping in of the Olympic torch and some shots of the crowd. We aren't in anywhere that I could see. From 1:38 to the end at 8:47 is the second Fun Club Night which was the Valentines Day one on Mon Feb 15, the theme was wear red and it was pot luck for your table, (tables usually seat 8 so bring a dish for 8). What is on screen is the entertainment section, the hat parade with comentary, it was quite fun & funny. I show up in the back ground of some shots in a red shirt mostly in the last half.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Feb 22

Some rain at night and partial cloudy. Cooler but VB is on, the pool is cooler than usual but we still had 20+ people in the pool. They didn't have the Cabana open or the music today, it was a bit cool to sit around maybe and did gust a cooler wind a bit. Judy left this morning but before she went she came by the RV with a plate to say she had a few left over eggs, a plate of about a doz & 1/2 devilled eggs. After lunch I went out & got a black shirt for Wednesdays Fun Night, the theme is all white or all black and finger food. So my next stop was the WinCo store for celery & a btl of Cheese dip to make cheese filled celery halfs. If there are any eggs left I may take them if I have at least 8 halfs. Supper was leftover BBQ ribs, peas, mashed potatos. Then it was time for the crib games. We played 6 sets of 4 to a game. I won 5 of the sets, got 113, (top score in crib is 121), on one set to win first place prize for a second time, $6.00 this time. Time to watch mens ski arials qualifying & then bed as I have to get up early to bike to breakfast at 8:30.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Feb 21

After our usual VB from 10 to noon I went back to the RV for lunch,(more leftover Hamburger helper - one box and it's good for 4 meals). Then headed out to Wal-Mart to check out phones. The one I had decided would be best was about the same price as Target but there are more Wal-Marts than Targets if I need to return it or whatever. I then headed over to get some sealer to redo & reseal some of the joints around the RV. It is Sunday & Hemet Trailer Supply was closed, OK, I'll go to the Sally Ann to get something black, (or white), for the next Fun Night which has a all black or all white dress theme. Well, it was closed too. So back to the RV to try to activate the phone. You either phone a 1-800 number or do it on the net. On the Internet is easier than me talking to someone on the phone & getting it wrong or not being able to understand an accent, and considering the phone head office is in Florida the accent could be a real thing. Naturally I couldn't get on the Internet on my computer so I went up to the clubhouse & used GVP's. There is one flaw I didn't know about & that is, it will not send text messagesto international destinations, however with cheap rates I'd rather phone and it is a lot faster than my text typing speed. Sally & I did play bridge again & we missed a prize by one position, 4 prizes, we were 5th. It is now late Sun and there was the sound of rain on the roof for a few minutes but stopped now. There is a neat video someone took parts of the Canada Day and the Valentines Fun Night. It runs almost 9 mins, hopefully I can get it added to the blog.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sat Feb 20

After some rain at night the day started as usuall with VB, there was some cloud but a nice day. Then after the hot tub, which was a bit cooler than normal, the water themometer read 99F, (37C), which dropped to 95F, (35C), after a bunch of us were in it for 15 mins. Lunch at the Cabana, music by Angela. Supper is planned for Los Vaqueros Mexican restaurant with Larry, Judy, Gerry, Sheila & me. We walked over as they are just across the road down a half block beside Marie Calender's. After supper we went to Gerry & Sheila's 5th wheel for tea & chit chat. And we actually had tea. Their 5th wheel has a double slide opposite each other so the "living room" section has a 3 peson sofa & dining table on one side & two recliners across, lots of room for 5 of us. After tea I came back to the RV to phone Sheila for the last time on Judy's phone. We talked for 53 minutes. I added up all the phone calls that we owe Larry for at 9 cents a minute & we used 341.5 mins since Sheila left which is approx.$30.00. I did also talk to Ken just after Sheila flew out to give him fight updates & catch up on stuff, 54 min & one other call for 10 mins, otherwise it was always Sheila. So ends another day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Lastbatch of Canada Day pictures

Janet & Mary selling 50-50 tickets Gerri & Ross, Volleball players & she does articles for RV Times and did one on Canada Day that will be published soon.
Pat Young, park resident & one of the noon time singers during the week. He sang for the dancing after dinner.

Dancing - we were able to perfectly position ourselves behind the couple in the foreground

Line dancing - Sheila in blue on the right next to Mary. Gillian in yellow is Brian the computer guy's wife.

more Canada Day pictures

Lining up for dessert pies at the kitchen. I thnkthey were Marie Callender pies The "extras" table- salads, buns & other good stuff

The Pipers put on a show after dinner, they are from Peachland Pipe Band and 2 traveled down for the even,1came over from Tucson & 1 from the Phoenix area

The piper entering at the begining, they led the Olympic torch in.

On stage with our official Torch bearer and real Torch

Pictures from GVP Canada Day Party

The decorted ballroom Another shot of the great decorations, all done by park residents volunteers
At the BBQ's in the Cabana area outside the ballroom, there were 18 BBQ's set up.

Our table, me & Sheila, we didn't know the other couple before & I foget their names. Maybe Sheila remembers.

Also at our table were, L to R Jane & Vern, Joanni & George(?)
Vern & Joanni are water volley ball players

Continuing Catch up PART 3

We are up to the week of Sat Feb 14 to today, Fri Feb 19.
At Sunday Bridge I partnered with Sally, of Fred & Sally Brown from Water Volley Ball & Fort St James BC. We played together OK but couldn't make any progress & ended with a score of 26, (Sheila knows how bad that is).

Monday was the Fun Club Valentines Day event, wear red & take a dish for eight at your table. No red shirt! So after a game of Bridge with me/Sally & Larry/Judy I drove down to Sally Ann and got a red shirt, and it was 40% off day so it cost all of $3.57. Neva had organized 3 tables together for the VB crowd so we had our own mini buffet. I took a Marie Callender pie & cool whip. Someone else brought a lemon merange pie & cool whip. When I was clearing at the end I found I had 2 pieces of my pie left & the unopened cool whip. It finished early enough that I was able to make cribbage where I took 2nd place for a prize of $4.00.

Next event was Spud Night on Wed. You pay $2.00 & the RV Park provides large cooked potatos, sour cream & butter. We organised a table and I brought Sheila's Chili which got comments on how good it was. The evening ran from about 4 to around 8 or so. Yesterday was Thursday and Mikaela's Birthday. I meant to sent an ecard but I lost track of the dates & didn't realise it was the 18th untill that night.

Today the weather closed in a bit & it was quite cloudy & cooler, however 16 people showed up for VB. After I went to see if we could find a room for a Jokers & Pegs game & when I went to Larry & Judy's RV to tell them I was sitting talking to Larry when Judy said will cheese, crakers & fruit be OK for lunch? They just included me automaticaly so I said OK after which we did a couple games of Jokers & Pegs with Gerry & Sheila. Earlier Judy & I caused some comments to be made while we were in the Hot Tub with about 8 other VB people when she said to me, Would you see about getting us a room?

That brings us up to now, it is supper time - left over hamberger helper from yesterday - and the last piece of pie. I will try to post some more pictures this evening after shuffleboard & depending on what is on Olympics.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Continuing Saga Part 2

More catch up starting Feb.

Mon Feb 1 to Sat Feb 6
Each week has was our normal daily activities I previously talked about, I will just note any additions.
On Thursday I lined up to get the Canada Day tickets which sold out in 10 minutes or so, 280 tickets. By the way if you go to there is a GVP photo gallery. It includes events from before we got here and things we didn't become involved in but there are a lot of Canada Day Photos, one is actually of us at the table with other people at the table whom I don't remember the names of; the previous photo is of Joannie & George and to the left are Vern & Jane. We know a lot of the other people in other photos from VB & other activities. I may download some to our photo file for this trip and post here as well.
On Sat there was the Craft Bazaar & Bake Sale where we got some goodies.

Sun Feb 7 to Sat Feb 13.
Sunday was Super Bowl & they had a big TV set up in the Ballroom and there were chili dogs, hot dogs, drinks, potato chips etc on sale. The game was quite good as it was close and had some great plays, the major game maker being a late 4th quarter interception by the New Orleans Saints that they ran back for a touchdown, they won by 14 points, (2 touchdowns) and it was the interception that made it next to impossible for Indanappolis Colts to tie the game and maybe force OT. Monday was Canada Day & it was great as you might tell fromthe pictures, great decorations, nearlyeveryone wearing red & Canada shirts withme & Sheila being the exceptions. It started about 4 & the dancing ended just before 9. The pipers & drummers were from Summerland Pipe Band and apparently 2 drove down for the event, one came over from Tuscon & another from Phoenix. Don't know if I mentioned it but they also put on a noon hour show at the Cabana area the next day to quite a large crowd. The next "event" that week was Black Wednesday when Sheila left for home. Palm Springs Airport is really user freindly, small, easy to get to and park & check in was a breeze. Fri saw our Olympic torch relay I have told you about in emails.
Sat afternoon there was a VB Happy Hour gathering for all the players at Bob & Cheryls motor home from 4 to 6. (Sheila, Bob wears the baseball hat with Boss on it, - from Hugo Boss I assume). Well it is 5:30 on Thursday so time to make Hamburger Helper for supper & then over for Mex Trains, to be continues In Part 3 untill we catch up with preasent time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The continuing saga Part 1

Written on Wed Feb 17
Seeing as we lost everything in the journal after the first week in GVP post I will attempt to catch you up. I don't even have the January Calander so I don't remember all the special entertainment nights.

In general the standard day starts with us up & having breakfast then over to Water Volley Ball, (hereafter called VB). It goes from around 10:00 to 12:00, 7 days a week. Then we relax in the hot tub for 15 mins more or less before having a shower, drying,changing and going out to the Cabana area for lunch, ( they have a small menu, hot dogs, hamburgers, chilli dogs, bratwurst and a chicken wrap - my fav, for $4 -, plus drinks & bags of chips), and to listen to live music 6 days a week, (no Cabana food or music on Sundays). The music goes till 2:00 afterwhich we go back to the RV or have a card game with friends. Then it's supper and either TV or one of the evening activities I'll explain in a bit. On Tuesday there is the breakfast bunch outing which used to be the breakfast bicycle bunch. We, or I at the moment, ride our bikes to a breakfast place in Hemet. We leave at 8:30 & are usually at the cafe by 9:00 + or -. We are back in GVP around 10:15 + or -, and go over to VB. On Fridays GVP has breakfast in the Palms Cafe which is the kitchen in the ballroom area. It varies each week & cast $4.00, an example is: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, with refillable OJ & coffee. Sheila likes the French Toast, Bacon, fruit one best.

The standard evening events we go to are: Mon - Cribage tounament $1.00 entry - (last Mon I got 2nd prize of $4.00, & I won first another time). Tues they have Pinochle which we don't play, also Wed is Mah Jongg which we also skip. Thursday is Mexican Train night & I always go. But Thursday is also seniors day at the movies and we often go to a mid afternoon show after the Cabana music session ends at 2. It cost $4.50 for seniors but it is just your normal old style movie theatre, not Silver City type. So Thursdays can be a bit rushed. Friday eve is the drop in shuffleboard game where you pay in $1, they assign team & the top 3 teams win a prize. I've won a prise on that a couple of times. Sat there is nothing special, Sun is Swiss Pairs Bridge that we play of course. I don't know where that name come from & they have a wird scoring system, (normal for the game but they play 5 hand a table, no part scores, just add up what you make & you get 300 for a non vul. game & 500 for vul. game, which encourages you to bid to game or stop as low as possible if you don't have points & cards for game. To fing winners you take what wach side makes, take the difference and look on a chart that splits the diferences out of 20. So if the difference was 0-50 points you get 10 & the other cpl gets 10, & fro example a difference of 450 - 600 might give you a 5-15 split, 5 for loser, 15 for winning side. An 1200 - 1400 point diff might be a 2 - 18 split. Odd, I don't see the point in it, why not just total the scores?
Time to watch Olympics so that's it this excerpt, more catch-up later or is it sooner if you are reading this you have already read what I haven't typed yet, - I'm confusing myself, By!

Olympic Torch walk around GVP

This is the video of the walk down one of the streets. The end is where they asked if I wanted to carry it & did.

Olympic Torch video

This is comeing into the Olympic Flame area prior to lighting it. You ca see part of the pool in the background.

GVP Olympic Torch walk

These picture posted in reverse order to what I picked them out, the bottom one is the start near the entrance. I will post the videos which should preceed this as I have discovered that blogs post last entry first so to catch up you have to scroll down then up.Our Olympic Flame, set up by the pool. It will burn thoughout the Olympics.
Getting ready to light the Flame. That's Mike the new manager in the back by the Palm tree

Walking with the Flame just before I got to carry it.

At the entrance to GVP. There was quite a crowd & a delay as everyone wanted to pose for their picture. Lots of red Canada shirts & flags.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


GVP Olympic Torch walk

On Fri Feb 12 our Tourch started at the front entrance & wound around the park ending at the Olympic flame lighting near the Cabana by the pool.
Due to computer viruses & crashes I appear to have lost a lot of files. Everything except any entries from 2010 are backed up athome on a CD but the 2010 journal and trip expenses are gone. The expenses is not a big deal as it is just a record so we can keep on budget but we usually don't overspend. The journal however is our daily record & other than entries here it is gone for Dec 29 to Feb 12.
I will start to blog a bit about our activities from now on. I tried to copy & past and it will not work with the new Window setup either. Also my pictures I posted don'y show up, just a small icon in the courner. I will add some more to see if I can. I will post this & then try to do a catch up to follow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

pictures from GVP

This is one of the music acts that perform 6 days a week at the Cabana. The poolis just off to the left. The Cabana serves hamburgers & a chiken wrap that I usually have plusthey do smoothies.

This is a shot of the ballroom set up for Canada Day on Feb 8. They sold out the 280 tickets in minutes. That was all the room could accomodate, there are probably 2 to 3 times as many Canadians here in the RV Park. It stated at 4, we BBQ'd steaks on the patio by the Cabana & the RV Park provided baked potatoes, salad, beans, all the trimmings & dressings plus Marie Calendeer pies for dessert. We then had music, entertainment & dancing till almost 9:oo. They also gave away many many prises from bottles of Bailys to Canada chairs, (the one on stage), rounds of golf, really nice Canada T-shirts plus a $500.00 50/50 prise. None of which we won.

This is our spot at GVP, number 573, on Ilex street.


Sheila in the pool at GVP
Sheila's second attempt at apple swans. They turned out really good.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 1 at GVP

Day 15 Tues, Jan 12 partly cloudy, forecast 70+

I went over to get coffee in the lobby and back to RV. Our usual day started with Water VB, with lots of players, (we split into 2 pools) then lunch @ the Palms Cabana while listening to live music by Larry Stevens with Paul & Yvonne. Larry was very good. Sheila would have liked to dance to him. Sheila took Yvonne shopping for a swimsuit & showed her the 99 cent store in the mall across the street. Then we had supper at their RV, dessert & Bridge at ours.

Day 16 Wed, Jan 13, rain at night, cool morning, warming slightly to low 60’s

It’s clearing after the rain and warming slightly. We went to water VB, only about 7 players a side, and then back to rig for lunch. No music at pool, probably because of cooler weather. Yvonne dropped by, then Paul and they were both here when Larry & Judy Shaffer arrived, around 1:30 pm. We are all going to go to Steer & Stein for supper. Sheila went off to iron some stuff & phone about the Fri. eve dinner play deal. I gassed up the Focus, (price diff between Arco & Chevron is 22 cents per gallon--$2.93 Arco $3.15 Chevron). Larry, Judy, Paul, Yvonne, & us went to Steer N’ Stein for supper, I had my usual, the 16 oz steak. The price is creeping upwards, it is now $14.99! Back to RV & up to the dance tonight by Rockin’ Ronda with Paul & Yvonne.

Day 17 Thurs, Jan 14, clear & sunny,68 F

I went up to pay for the month, it runs to Feb 17, check out on Feb 18. Electricity cost 13 cents per KWH for first 300 or so, then it goes to 15 cents so the propane V.S. electricity argument puts propane break-even cost at $2.60 to $3.00 a gallon to switch, i.e. if propane costs less than that use it, if more, use electricity. Propane cost in Hemet is $1.99 a gallon. After that we went to play Water VB which split to two pools again. Then lunch at the cabana, Pat Young was entertaining. We met Yvonne’s friend Genvieve from LA. Then Judy & Larry showed up and we all had a great visit. We all decided to go to the movie “Up in the Air” with George Clooney. It was a mildly amusing movie, after which we went to Marie Callender’s for supper. Larry, Judy & us went to Mex Train Dominos. (Paul & Yvonne went home to talk to their family via Skype.) They play differently at GVP now. You start by playing your whole train, but you can only do this if you can start immediately & there can be more than one Mex train. Half blanks count 25 against you with the double blank being 50. If you can’t start your train 1st round, you don’t have a personal train & if you start one later it is a Mex train. If you start a train and you end it on a double the next person to play can only play one tile but others can play their whole trains. You play from double 12 down and the winner of each round gets a nickel, (every player pays 5 nickels) into the pot to start, so 65 cents is paid out & the winner gets the rest of the nickels). Sheila did really well most of the game & looked like a sure winner, until the last round when another woman went catching her & winning by 30 pts. She was quite disappointed!

Day 18, Fri, Jan 15 overcast but reasonably warm 72 F

We went up to water VB and got enough players to split to 2 pools. At the Cabana for lunch & music, group was AL & Barb who did mostly C&W with some R&R, quite entertaining although there was hardly any one there. Gerry & Ross came over & we sat together until music finished at 2:00. Back to RV to change & then it’s the Wine & Cheese Welcome reception on the patio. The new manager, Mike is a younger, handsomer version of Greg, but not as personable. Most, (70% at least), of the people there were Canadians & most of the BCers were from Van. Island. After the reception, we rode down to the new WinCo Foods store west on Florida, (big store, good prices). Then a small quick bite for supper and off to shuffleboard with Paul/Yvonne. Larry & Judy were there also. We played a different game which Sheila liked better than the usual one. Each team of 4 was at one end & took turns shooting all their disks, then their score was totalled & recorded & then the other team did the same thing from the other end. Instead of trying to knock your opponents’ disks out of scoring you were trying to knock your teammates’ in! We didn’t win anything at draws this time. Yvonne seemed to enjoy the Shuffleboard & it didn’t strain her pulled ligaments, but Paul is lukewarm about it. Both really like Water VB though.

Day 19, Sat Jan 16 Cool, (67 F) cloudy morning but cleared & sunny by 10:30, & warmer

We went up & the Water VB was on & it was quite pleasant in the pool as the sun came out. Back to RV for lunch & there is a VB game on at 1:00-1:30. The afternoon VB went to about 3PM. Did Hot tub, shower & back to rig to change for tonight’s outing to the "Play with Your Food" dinner & theatre production of "Moon over Buffalo". All 6 are going, us, Larry, Judy & Paul, Yvonne. Great show enjoyed it all. Pork loin was really good.

Day 20, Sun Jan 17, cold, (62 F) cloudy early AM, clear & warm PM, cloud late PM, rain in eve.

I went over to WinCo for some groceries Sheila needed, it was cold & cloudy. By 10:00 it was starting to clear & warm up so we changed & went over the pool where Water VB was in progress. It was quite a nice day. After the game, hot tub & shower we got stuff ready for the luncheon for the 6 of us in a room in the main building. We had a great lunch followed by a game of Jokers & Pegs. Men against women, men won. As we were leaving we ran into Bob & Lois, who came to visit from Palm Springs, so we introduced them to everyone. We went off to our rig with Bob & Lois while Larry, Judy, Paul, Yvonne stayed to play some bridge. After a nice visit we went to Appleby’s with Bob & Lois for supper then back to our rig where they headed home to Palm Springs. Food at Appleby’s was really good, Sheila said the shrimp in her Shrimp ‘n spinach salad were the best she’s ever tasted! It is raining off & on, sometimes fairly heavily.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

craft time at GVP

On tuesdays we bike ride to breakfast with the group from Golden Village Palms, (henceforth known as GVP). We return usually in time for water volley ball untill noon. Then we grab a quick lunch either in the RV or at the Cabana by the pool. Then at 1:00, Neva, one of the long term residents here, (6 months here, 6 month at her summer home in the mountains where it is cooler), has started a vegitable/fruit ornamental carving "class". So far we have done apple swans. tomato roses, & a carrot/pepper palm tree. Pictures attached. I did one & Sheila did the other. On the apple I did the red one, the rose Sheila's is the bottom one and the palm trees, mine is the bent trunk one.