Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The continuing saga Part 1

Written on Wed Feb 17
Seeing as we lost everything in the journal after the first week in GVP post I will attempt to catch you up. I don't even have the January Calander so I don't remember all the special entertainment nights.

In general the standard day starts with us up & having breakfast then over to Water Volley Ball, (hereafter called VB). It goes from around 10:00 to 12:00, 7 days a week. Then we relax in the hot tub for 15 mins more or less before having a shower, drying,changing and going out to the Cabana area for lunch, ( they have a small menu, hot dogs, hamburgers, chilli dogs, bratwurst and a chicken wrap - my fav, for $4 -, plus drinks & bags of chips), and to listen to live music 6 days a week, (no Cabana food or music on Sundays). The music goes till 2:00 afterwhich we go back to the RV or have a card game with friends. Then it's supper and either TV or one of the evening activities I'll explain in a bit. On Tuesday there is the breakfast bunch outing which used to be the breakfast bicycle bunch. We, or I at the moment, ride our bikes to a breakfast place in Hemet. We leave at 8:30 & are usually at the cafe by 9:00 + or -. We are back in GVP around 10:15 + or -, and go over to VB. On Fridays GVP has breakfast in the Palms Cafe which is the kitchen in the ballroom area. It varies each week & cast $4.00, an example is: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, with refillable OJ & coffee. Sheila likes the French Toast, Bacon, fruit one best.

The standard evening events we go to are: Mon - Cribage tounament $1.00 entry - (last Mon I got 2nd prize of $4.00, & I won first another time). Tues they have Pinochle which we don't play, also Wed is Mah Jongg which we also skip. Thursday is Mexican Train night & I always go. But Thursday is also seniors day at the movies and we often go to a mid afternoon show after the Cabana music session ends at 2. It cost $4.50 for seniors but it is just your normal old style movie theatre, not Silver City type. So Thursdays can be a bit rushed. Friday eve is the drop in shuffleboard game where you pay in $1, they assign team & the top 3 teams win a prize. I've won a prise on that a couple of times. Sat there is nothing special, Sun is Swiss Pairs Bridge that we play of course. I don't know where that name come from & they have a wird scoring system, (normal for the game but they play 5 hand a table, no part scores, just add up what you make & you get 300 for a non vul. game & 500 for vul. game, which encourages you to bid to game or stop as low as possible if you don't have points & cards for game. To fing winners you take what wach side makes, take the difference and look on a chart that splits the diferences out of 20. So if the difference was 0-50 points you get 10 & the other cpl gets 10, & fro example a difference of 450 - 600 might give you a 5-15 split, 5 for loser, 15 for winning side. An 1200 - 1400 point diff might be a 2 - 18 split. Odd, I don't see the point in it, why not just total the scores?
Time to watch Olympics so that's it this excerpt, more catch-up later or is it sooner if you are reading this you have already read what I haven't typed yet, - I'm confusing myself, By!

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