Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fri/Sat Feb 26/27

Fri started with the usual VB, Cabana lunch & music. Spent the afternoon looking up flight times for our Florida trip then after supper it was shuffleboard with an ice cream break between games provided by George & Wayne the organizers. Then back for Olympic TV & more computer time looking at flights etc. It was a nice warm day but big storm forcast for to-night.

Sat I woke to rain around 8, rolled over & slept till 10:30. There were also some strong wind gusts. Decided to do laundry & some shopping. Rain returned off & on. When I came out of Target it was raining a normal Vancouver type rain, not too hard, and people are standing in the doorway not going out, waiting with their shoppping carts for the rain to stop I guess. The rest of Sat will be some interior cleaning & TV. The Olympics isn't quite over but right now Canada has more gold medals than anyone else and no matter what happens on Sunday we can't be surpast in overall total gold medals. I'd say the "own the podium" program worked well. I saw the team pursuit gold win. The hockey game is on at noon all time zones live. I don't know when they will show the closeing on Sunday but after the opening delayed start I have signed me & Sally up for Bridge at 6:30. I have seen several shows on NBC profiling Canada and today a half hour show on what a great friend & neibour we are & how we really came to help when Sept 11, 2001 grounded aircraft. It was mostly on Gander NF & how they really came through to help over 6,000 stranded passengers, they said that given Ganders pop of 10,000 it was like 6 million people suddenly showed up in NY needing everything. It was the type of show you would expect CTV to produce, not Tom Brokaw of NBC.

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