Friday, February 19, 2010

Continuing Catch up PART 3

We are up to the week of Sat Feb 14 to today, Fri Feb 19.
At Sunday Bridge I partnered with Sally, of Fred & Sally Brown from Water Volley Ball & Fort St James BC. We played together OK but couldn't make any progress & ended with a score of 26, (Sheila knows how bad that is).

Monday was the Fun Club Valentines Day event, wear red & take a dish for eight at your table. No red shirt! So after a game of Bridge with me/Sally & Larry/Judy I drove down to Sally Ann and got a red shirt, and it was 40% off day so it cost all of $3.57. Neva had organized 3 tables together for the VB crowd so we had our own mini buffet. I took a Marie Callender pie & cool whip. Someone else brought a lemon merange pie & cool whip. When I was clearing at the end I found I had 2 pieces of my pie left & the unopened cool whip. It finished early enough that I was able to make cribbage where I took 2nd place for a prize of $4.00.

Next event was Spud Night on Wed. You pay $2.00 & the RV Park provides large cooked potatos, sour cream & butter. We organised a table and I brought Sheila's Chili which got comments on how good it was. The evening ran from about 4 to around 8 or so. Yesterday was Thursday and Mikaela's Birthday. I meant to sent an ecard but I lost track of the dates & didn't realise it was the 18th untill that night.

Today the weather closed in a bit & it was quite cloudy & cooler, however 16 people showed up for VB. After I went to see if we could find a room for a Jokers & Pegs game & when I went to Larry & Judy's RV to tell them I was sitting talking to Larry when Judy said will cheese, crakers & fruit be OK for lunch? They just included me automaticaly so I said OK after which we did a couple games of Jokers & Pegs with Gerry & Sheila. Earlier Judy & I caused some comments to be made while we were in the Hot Tub with about 8 other VB people when she said to me, Would you see about getting us a room?

That brings us up to now, it is supper time - left over hamberger helper from yesterday - and the last piece of pie. I will try to post some more pictures this evening after shuffleboard & depending on what is on Olympics.

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