Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Feb 28 2010

A day to remember, Canada wins Mens Gold in hockey after a very exciting game to match the Womens Gold winning game. We also took Gold in the Mens curling but I didn't see the game. And Canada now has 14 Gold Medals, to take top spot in number of Gold Medals ever won by any country in a Winter Olympics. We were tied at 13 Gold Medals with 2 other countrys, now we are the top.
It was a great weather day, sunny & clear after yesterday & last nights rain storm. We had a great VB game, splitting into 2 pools. I got back to the RV 1 min after the start of the game & watched the first period in the RV, then over to the Big TV in the clubhouse where there was quite a excited crowd of Canadaian & US supporters. Everyone stood & sang for the anthem at the medal ceremony.

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