Tuesday, February 23, 2010

GVP's Canada Day and the Valentines Fun Night

The video is from utube. I don't know who filmed it. Of the almost 9 mins it breaks down as follows: 0-12 seconds is people gathering for a group shot, square dancers I think, nothing to do with GVP. 12- 30 seconds is, I think our first Fun Club Night event which was a pot luck where you brought a dish & put it out to form a giant buffet for everyone. They then took pictures of the 12 months with everyone haveing a birthday in the month. Pearl said they're thinking of doing a calander as a fund raiser. 30-1:38 is of Canada Day, with the piping in of the Olympic torch and some shots of the crowd. We aren't in anywhere that I could see. From 1:38 to the end at 8:47 is the second Fun Club Night which was the Valentines Day one on Mon Feb 15, the theme was wear red and it was pot luck for your table, (tables usually seat 8 so bring a dish for 8). What is on screen is the entertainment section, the hat parade with comentary, it was quite fun & funny. I show up in the back ground of some shots in a red shirt mostly in the last half.

1 comment:

  1. Bren, you're famous on Youtube now! =D Amusing stuff, though the guy in the "bodysuit" was a little scary... =)
