Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 2

Mon Jan 12 Day 2

Had RV in for the water heater check at 8 AM.  They finished and I am waiting for Sheila to call to say she is on route and for Ken to call re meeting for lunch.  In RV I went down to Fred Meyer 10:20 to 11:20. Sheila phoned about 11:30 to say she still had lots to do and might be on route by 2 PM.  Ken phoned to say he was an hour & a half away.  Ken arrived about 1:00 & we went to lunch.  Sheila phoned about 3:30 to say she was almost ready to go.  Ken left for Trader Joes in Bellingham to get Kerrygold butter and Sheila arrived just around 6 PM.  Needless to say we are at Camping World for one more night.


  1. Yaaaay Kerrygold!!
    Wow, that was a lot of stuff to finish up, Sheila! Did you manage to get your doctor's appointment in?
