Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mon Jan 19 Day 9

Mon Jan 19 Day 9  Woke to 58 F at 8:30, it rapidly rose higher and got to 75+ by mid-day.

Up and had my coffee.  Then took the RV out to the dump station to dump tanks
& top up with water.  Back at our site I worked on extending the solar panel lead
by attaching a set of jumper cables to the battery clips.  Seems to work and we
can get the panel out into the sun so now we will see how our batteries hold up, a
week should show results.  If they are still showing a full or almost full charge,
 then all is well.  Then we both went down for the noon water volleyball
game, (they play noon to 1 PM & 4 to 5 PM, Mon to Fri).  It was fun to be playing
 again. After that, a sit in the sun and hot tub & we came back for lunch in
 the rig. Sheila went for a nap and I did various little jobs & read.  We went down
 to Freddy’s Café on site here for their  “All you can Eat” soup & salad, incl. a
dessert for $7.50.  They offered 3 different kinds of soup, and a mini salad bar
One bowl of soup & 2 bowls of salad & I was full.  Sheila had two bowls of soup
& one bowl of salad.  Then, Sheila  went to do laundry while I went on rest
of the computer to try to get on the internet.  Their Wi Fi system is ridiculously
slow and sometimes I just can’t get on. Sheila started one load, but then realized
the rest of the quarters were in the RV so she drove up to get them. and then
realized she didn’t have her set of RV keys so, she drove back down, borrowed
 mine, got the quarters & returned to  the Laundry room!   She finally
got everything done an hour later than planned.. So went today.

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