Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sun Jan 18 Day 8

Sun Jan 18 Day 8

The weather here is nice and warm in the daytime – mid 70’s & up, (that’s 25 C plus for you youngens).  Night time it drops to a bit below 60 so it’s nice for sleeping.
Today is the NFL final for one of the Superbowl participants.  Green Bay Packers VS Seattle Seahawks. Winner goes to the Superbowl.  Everyone was rooting for Seattle who won last years Superbowl.  Well, Seattle couldn’t do anything right the whole first half and it was 19 nothing for Green Bay at half time.  Seattle came out & pulled the rabbit out of the hat and the game ended in a tie and went to overtime. Then in the first play of overtime after Seattle won the coin toss and got the ball they went down the field for a touchdown to win the game. (NFL overtime is different from CFL overtime, basically they play a whole quarter & the first team to get a touchdown wins – sort of like NHL overtime, oh, and field goals don’t count to win).  During the game, we had a BBQ of hotdogs, and salads, snacks etc. There were about 8 or 9 people watching the game on a TV set up outside and hooked to CTV by satellite dish.  After the game we came back to the rig.  A bit later Les Bullis came by to ask if we were going to the entertainment. We went to Hayes Hall with him & Dorothy The entertainer was Sarah Getto, a blind singer/muscian who had been born with a cleft pallet and had taught herself to play piano by 3 and violin by 7. She had been travelling & entertaining for 7 or so years and is just 30 years old.  She has a university degree in musicology. She had a real nice voice too, Sheila got one of her CD’s..  After the show we returned to rig, picked up our dirty dishes from the last 2 meals and took them to a wash station the resort set up last year.  It has two huge sinks with side counters and lots of hot water.  After that it was home for the night.

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