Monday, January 26, 2015

Fri Jan 23 Day 13

We awoke to an overcast day but it was a thin cloud.  It was cooler maybe around 67 F I made my coffee and wandered over to Les’ rig, (next door), and chit chatted for a while.  Sheila showed up around 10 and we started to plot the day.  The veggie man is here today, (9 to noon), so we have to get down to get some fresh supplies before volley ball at noon. We also had to get some supplies from their general store on site in the RV Park. It was cloudy during the volley ball game but still fun, though not as much as yesterday when there were fewer people.  I sat in the mineral springs pool after. I think the warm weather and hot tubs are curing my back, I don’t have any backaches now. Sheila is hoping her morning & evening aches & pains will go away too, but it hasn’t happened yet.  Sheila went to Freddy’s for their Tuna melt sandwich for lunch which we split, it was good, lots of tuna. Then Sheila went to finish her ironing & I sat in the sun wrinkling shirts for her to iron. . We got back to 70 ++ temps by 2 PM.  I then walked back uphill to the RV to work on the levelling jacks using the silicon spray Les picked up.  Fortunately the RV being an RV it is easy to get under. I extended all the jacks to max, (which really increased the crawl space underneath), and crawled under where I wiped the shafts off & sprayed on silicon spray.  When I retracted them they all came fully up so that problem is solved.  The sun was fully out by mid afternoon.  We had supper in the rig and spent a quiet evening catching up on the daily journal.  


  1. Oh good, glad that silicone spray fixed your problem!
    So, you guys get fresh veggies delivered to the RV site? Is this common?

  2. We don't get them right to our Rv but a truck comes into the park & they set up in an area outside the store. They carry lots of items, all your standard veggies plus fruit, apples, oranges, dates, bannanas. A lot of RV parks have market days which are like the markets we get at home, GVP does.
