Friday, January 30, 2015

Tues 27 Jan Day 17

The day is starting out sunny, so hopefully we have our good weather back. Today Sheila has a class planned for this morning, Water Zumba.  She went up to the pool to find it was cancelled. So she swam lengths, did some water exercises and hot tubbed.  In the meantime I took the RV over to the dump station to empty & refill various tanks as needed, I lasted 1 week between dumps..  Then I took it down to the propane station by the office to get refilled.  What with waiting for access to dump & refill propane this all took quite a while.  I met Sheila down by the tank filling station to find out that her class had been cancelled.  We came back up & put the RV back in its spot & then headed out in the car to the nearest town with a gas station, Niland, a 13 min. drive.  We shopped in their grocery store as well, then drove home.  We got back at 5 to 4:00 so I dropped Sheila to go into the 4 PM water volley ball game while I drove the supplies home, stored everything and then made us a hamburger helper supper. I had decided that I wasn’t going to play in the 4 o’clock game because the east/west orientation of the pool meant that one side was looking directly into the setting sun. Sheila’s timing was impeccable, she came in the door of the RV just as I was taking the big Teflon frying pan with supper in it off the stove.  After supper I went down to the TNT, (Tuesday Night Talent), show in Hays Hall.  The performers are all park residents, some are good some not so, but it is usually an enjoyable evening.  I got home just before 9:00, Sheila had stayed in the RV to catch up on cards & letters that she had wanted to send to people back around Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Valentine's Day letters and cards, instead of Christmas letters and cards? =)
