Sunday, February 1, 2015

Wed 28 Jan Day 18

We got up to a sunny day and had our morning tea & coffee.  Then I went out to socialize while Sheila organized her day.  She left to go to Water Zumba class from 11 to12 PM.  I had some lunch of leftover Hamburger helper and headed down for the noon V.B. game.  After Sheila’s Zumba class she came back to the RV, had lunch, and then went to Line Dancing from 1 – 3. While there, she checked to see if the evening Pool lessons were still on – that’s Pool as in billiards, snooker etc. Meanwhile I sat in the hot tub after the game then went over to the other pool to see if Sheila was there.  After sitting for a while I went in to the computer room, got one & checked my email, sent a cpl. & left as everything else I need to do I need my own  computer for.  The fellow that played for the dance was set up near the lower pool, so I sat and listened for quite a while.  He was still playing and it was now 10 min. to 4 and the sun had gone behind cloud cover so I went & played in the 4 PM V.B. game. After that I sat in the mineral hot pool and then went home where Sheila had a nice supper ready.  We ate corn on the cob, yams & a chicken dish that we bought at a local market. It’s a sliced skinned chicken that is marinated in spices.  It was very good.   Then Sheila is off to her Pool lesson at 7.  When home, Sheila reported that even though she didn’t get to play a game, she got some very good tips on how to hold the “cue”, (ie. cue stick), line up the shot and shoot smoothly.  The instructor, Reggie, had her and another, “newbie” just practising shots while he worked with the more advanced students who were playing games.  Periodically, he’d come
over, watch them for awhile and critique their posture & form.  Of course, that’s when they both did it wrong and the carefully placed ball missed the pocket!  Sheila said, that when she did what she’d been told, it felt really ‘right’, the ball shot smoothly forward straight into the pocket, & for a few seconds she felt like a pool shark!  After recounting this to me, we had a quiet evening in the rig as usual.  

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to watching "Sheila the Shark" play one day! =D
