Friday, February 20, 2015

Tues 17 Feb Day 38

 Another hot, sunny day with temps. in the 80’s.

Judy’s grandson is here still and she asked, so we went up at 9 AM to the pool for an early hour of play.  He’s 12 & plays reasonably well.  At 10, he left, the regular people arrived and we played till noon.  Sheila left early but I lasted all the way.  As I said to Judy at noon when we stopped, “I’m glad Logan isn’t here for a third day”, she laughed & agreed.  Sheila had left the game a bit early to shower & change.  After I changed we met at the cabana where they had a restaurant serving lunch and a girl signer, Michele Murray.  She was quite good and we split a lunch of a BBQ pork sandwich with potato salad. Then, it was back to the RV to figure out sending an electronic card to Mikaela for her 7th Birthday on Wednesday. I had to reinstall SKYPE a it seemed to have disappeared from my browser.  It might be slightly cooler today, in the 79 to 81 range. There is nothing on the schedule for tonight so it’s just a relaxing supper & some TV. There was nothing much on that we both like to watch, so we ended up on a channel playing old Big Bang Theory shows.  They are fun to watch even when you have seen them & know the plot. 

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