Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sat 7 Feb Day 28

Another sunny day with high temps.  Neither of us got much sleep after 5:30 am because we knew we had to be up extra early (7:00ish) for the Pancake Breakfast at 8:00 & we didn't have a reliable alarm so we were afraid to go back to sleep @ 5:30 in case we slept in.  Had we known, a “Town Crier” with a megaphone was going to drive by just after 7 reminding people of the breakfast, we could have returned to sleep @5:30 & slept like babes until the town crier woke us!
This breakfast is put on by the resort with the help of a hoard of friendly volunteers the first Sat. of every month during “the season”.  Last year they reportedly served 600+ breakfasts each Saturday.  Cost is $5 each and you get pancakes, eggs fried or scrambled, hash browns, and sausage &/or ham.  I got 2 eggs fried and 4 sausages as well as everything else. They also had coffee & orange juice, plus syrup & ketchup & butter on the tables. Quite the bargain!
After breakfast, we headed out in Les’ truck to visit the other side of the Salton Sea and do a side trip to Borrego Springs.  We went into some of the small settlements on the west side of Salton Sea -- Dessert Sands & Salton City & explored around them a bit.  Then, it was off to find Borrego Springs.  Well we missed the turn we were supposed to take to circle up to Borrego Springs & come back on a lower road.  We went in at the lower road so all our directions were not right.  We saw lots of RV’s parked out in the desert and lots of off road ATV’s driving around as well as some dirt bikes.  There were also several metal sculptures, (mostly of horses) out in the desert that we passed.  After back tracking a few times, we finally made town well past lunch time, so we found a restaurant—Carmelita’s & had a nice lunch. We then headed back on the road we were supposed to come in on & rejoined the hwy to continue around the Salton Sea down to Brawley at the south end.  We stopped at the Wal-Mart there for some supplies and it was dark by the time we came out.  Then Sheila suggested she treat everyone to coffee or whatever at a nearby Starbucks on her gift card.  Great! However at the Starbucks she discovers that she left her card at the RV, so I ended up using my card to pay for Sheila’s treat!  We arrived back at F o Y about 7:30 to 8:00 pm.  There was a dance on tonight but I didn’t feel like going, so she walked down to Hayes Hall with Dorothy Bullis to see what the music was like. There were only 40 or so people there who were dancing lethargically. The group, (aptly named, The Repeat Offenders consisted of a lead singer, 2 guitarists & a drummer who really pounded the skins) played Classic Rock—Sheila was expecting Rock n’ Roll hence was not impressed.  Probably a good thing since she was looking forward  to going, but I was just too tired. 

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