Friday, February 13, 2015

Wed 11 Feb Day 32 - We leave FoY & head to GVP

The wind really blew last night and it was still fairly windy in the morning when we woke up.  Sheila got up at 7:15, (I think breakfast at the casino motivated her).  I followed just after 7:30 and started to get things in order & ready to roll.  It’s an hour’s drive to the casino and they only serve the specials until 11 AM. We said goodbye & pulled out of FOY at 9 AM @ 39480. There were road work stoppages on hwy 111 heading north that delayed us about 8 minutes. We pulled into Spotlight 29 casino at 10:10 @ 39523 km.  I had the $3.29 special of Texas French Toast and I got the seniors discount so it was $2.96.  Sheila had the Chairman’s special that we had on the route down, with discount it was $4.31. We left the casino at 11:40 and stopped at a Pilot Station in Palm Springs for my discounted gas. Off road into gas station at 12:10 back out at 12:20. Off down the road and into GVP at 1:15 @ 39589.  In the office we said we wanted to get a spot close as possible to where Larry & Judy were. The girl did a lot of looking around on their plan.  They didn’t have anything empty nearby but 2 spaces were scheduled to empty within a day or two.  They gave us a pull through, site 823, quite close to wait for an empty spot and just fudged the books to look like we were in the spot we wanted, site 950, at our monthly rate.  As soon as the one spot opens up we just drive in and they have us as in it from today. It should all work well all things being equal. We were settled in around 3 and Sheila wanted to go out for a haircut and a nails thing.  I dropped her off at the Hair Salon, then I went to the bank & took out cash, then over to a new Tractor Supply Co. business that has opened since we were here last for some “Stabil” for the gas tank. Then down to get gas for the car and a haircut for me.  I drove back to the RV to find Larry & Judy just arriving but no Sheila yet.  They gave me the tickets they had got for us for tonight’s Garth Brooks show and the Bee Gees show in March.  Then I started sorting all the info we got at check in when Sheila arrived.  The show starts at 7 and it was now well after 5 so we decided to go out to Pollo Loco for supper.  Sheila really likes the way they do their chicken – flame broiled on an open fire grill.  Then home & off to the show.
It was a high energy show.  People around us who know Garth Brooks better than we do said, “The Garth Guy” does a real good job of imitating him & really seemed to enjoy what he was doing.  He had really good musicians playing back up for him, a little louder & more rockish than Sheila likes, but they were good players.
After we get back to the RV, sometime after 9 PM, Sheila discovers she left her drink mug in the washroom so has gone back to retrieve it, she got it OK.  At 10 PM she checked the temp outside on the thermometer I had scotch taped to the outside awning pole, amazing that it was still there!  It read 58 F.  It definitely cools down at night here!  (It was in the low 80’s today).  So ends a busy day, more tomorrow.


  1. Oh, I thought you meant you were really going to see Garth Brooks - I was thinking, Hmm, I didn't know you were fans...
    It's been almost 2 years since you were there last, right? Has anything else changed? It was nice of the check-in person to accommodate things for you!

    So, what did you have for the cheap casino breakfast?? Inquiring stomachs want to know...

    1. The Chairmans special we had on the way down so it's in the blog earlier, it's the breakfast they made a mistake on and so Sheila got double. The special that was under $3 was a choice of 1 - all the pancakes you can eat, 2 - Texas french toast - 2 slices of french toast with butter & syrup, I don't know where the Texas part come in, 3 - a Mexican dish which I had once, it's good but way too filling. The changes here that we've noticed so far is in the free events including beer & wine. we'll keep you posted.

    2. I thought Texas french toast meant that they used thicker slices of bread? (Everything is bigger in Texas, right?)
