Friday, February 13, 2015

Tues 10 Feb Day 31

Last day at FOY. Sheila goes down to the pool area early for her 11 AM Water Zumba class. She checks the office and the RV keys are there and as a bonus her sandals missing for over two weeks were turned in last Sun. & are also there, she is still missing her good sunglasses though. I follow at 12 for the water VB which she joins as well.  After the game, we hot tub & sun for awhile, then have Freddy’s lunch special—tune salad on flatbread with fruity coleslaw.  Then we returned to the RV to do cpl things before returning to the pool for the 4 PM game which was a challenging one because it had both sun & wind!  After that, we hot tubbed, showered off & came home for a quick supper of soup before going out to the TNT entertainment that starts at 7 PM.  Hayes Hall was almost full & it was very hot & stuffy inside so Sheila left at intermission to come back to the RV & run the bedroom AC before the 9 PM deadline for the generator.  TNT was the usual mix of some very good entertainers & some not so good.  The two highlights for Sheila were a woman who recited Robert Service’s poem, “The Cremation of Sam McGee” & a 14 yr. old girl, Abigail who sang “You Raise Me Up” in a well-trained, beautiful soprano voice.  She also plays water volleyball very well.
Tonight we will try to get a lot of inside stuff put away so we can leave early tomorrow, Sheila wants to make the Spotlight 29 Casino breakfast special. 

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