Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sun 8 Feb Day 29

The morning went as usual.  However before heading down for Water VB we packed a cooler with some pop & goodies as our plan for today is, (after VB), to head out to the HQ area for the Salton Sea State Park, (about 30 miles up the road),  to check on the swimability of the lake at the beach area there.  They said no problem but you should have water shoes for the barnacley bottom.  They said it is quite shallow for a ways and a bit weedy but clears up further out.  Sheila didn't go out that far, she was the only one in the water and because of an incident in the pool earlier was a little hesitant to go too far out.  What happened was just near the end of the game she leapt for a ball & got a ‘Charlie Horse,’ ie severe cramp in her lower right leg.  She sat out the rest of the game.  It took a while & lots of massage before it went away. 

I took some pictures of her out in the sea and will post them, (along with a few others), when we get good WiFi at GVP.  After Sheila had showered, essential because of the high salt content of the water, we headed home & stopped to check out the “community” of Bombay Beach about 5 miles up the road from the turn off to FOY.  They supposedly have a good restaurant there called the Ski Run.  However, it doesn't take credit cards & I am getting low on cash so we didn't stay for supper.  Sheila did a quick read of the menu though & said the prices are good for the food & even better for alcoholic beverages.  Wine is only $2.50/glass! Back at the RV we made our supper and then got ready to go down to see a performance by a fellow, Rick Shultz, who ‘does’ John Denver.  He looks like him & sounds like him and it was a wonderful show.  Back to the RV about 8:50, in time to run the gen for 10 mins to run A/C to cool the bedroom a bit as it was 85 F back there when we arrived home.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad the Charlie horse went away eventually and it wasn't anything worse!
