Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fri 6 Feb Day 27

 We woke to another beautiful day starting with temps around 68-70 F & rising to high 70’s, low 80’s by noon. After our usual slow start to the day, Sheila went down for the veggie truck sale but didn’t buy anything as the line was too long to be worthwhile waiting when we didn’t need anything desperately.  She did get some things in the grocery store and got us $40 cash as we are getting low.  The store will let you add money onto your bill that you charge & give you cash.  Very generous as they have to pay the credit card company the fee for the extra $40, but they did not pass that cost on to us!   
When Sheila returned we made Brunch & then went down for the noon game. After the game, I sat in the sun & Sheila went off to do something – computer I think.  She finished around 3 & came back to the RV while I stayed down for the 4 PM game.  Sheila was feeling tired & decided to skip it. After the game, I came back up & Sheila had a nice supper ready after which, she went out to the Musical Bingo game that’s on tonight at Freddy’s Café.  I declined as I am not a Bingo person.  Les had a fire again tonight so I went there & Sheila joined after her Bingo games.  She didn’t win anything, but enjoyed hearing the hits of the 50’s & 60’s  & trying to recall if any of them were the ones listed on her Bingo cards.  Especially, since the caller was very accommodating & would tell the players what the song was if they didn’t recogize it.  The other players were very jovial & often would all sing along to the tunes that were played.  She really enjoyed it and will do it again if she ever gets a chance.
We were late getting back to the RV after the campfire—it was actually almost 10 pm!!  Tsk, tsk!  Sheila was feeling like she might be coming down with a cold, so she dosed herself with extra vitamins & cold medicine & got to bed a bit earlier than usual—11:15 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Musical bingo sounds fun, though I probably wouldn't recognize many of the songs either!
    Crossing my fingers that Sheila isn't coming down with something!
