Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tues 24 Feb Day 45

Clear & sunny, but a bit cooler

Up early to make the Breakfast Club, (It used to be the Bicycle to Breakfast Club but most people don’t bike anymore partly due to age & partly due to an increase in traffic).   Larry & Judy picked us up & we went out to this week’s restaurant, “La Fogato”.  We all meet at the restaurant about 8:30.  I had a full mushroom & cheese omelette with hash browns and toast for about $8.00.  Sheila had their Spanish Omelette for $1.00 more.  After we came back, I went up to the pool for the game at 10:00.  Sheila said she’d be up but just wanted to lie down for a minute - - she woke up over an hour later & never made the pool! In the afternoon I called the paper because we didn't get Mon. & Tues. papers & discovered that I hadn’t been told that the offer was only for a Thurs. to Sun. delivery, I also hadn't been told I had access to the digital edition 7 days a week, so we can look up TV schedules OK – sort of.  I also tried phoning Ken to see if I could get through, no luck, I don’t know what the problem is. Larry & Judy came over for a stir-fry supper & then Bridge. We had a fun evening.  

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