Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sun 22 Feb Day 43

overcast & cool in AM,  stayed cloudy all day

Despite the weather I went up to the pool for the game. Ten other idiots showed up, so we had a good game in the warm water. No wind, so it wasn't too bad.  Sheila went to Wal-Mart to price sunglasses and get some groceries instead of playing. Outside temperature while she drove there was only 56F, (12 C).  After the game, back at the RV we had a small lunch before heading to Temecula to see the musical play “The Adams Family”.  We drove down with Larry & Judy. The play, put on by the Temecula Community theatre, was excellent.  The actors were great, the singing was very well done and the sound was great, you could hear every word clearly. After the Play we went to Costco to look for some vitamins Sheila wanted and to replace her polarized sunglasses lost at FoY.  She got a nice pair. Then we all went to the Souplantation for supper.  We finally got home, arriving around 8 PM. It rained a lot on the drive home. We turned on the Oscars show which Sheila watched.  I got a bit bored so I went to the computer to do the journal etc. A lot of the nominated movies for the various categories I had never even heard of, including half of the best picture nominations and including the winner, “Birdman”.  Every so often we can hear a bit of rain on the roof which seems to be getting heavier as the evening progresses.