Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thurs 12 Feb Day 33

It is cooler at night here than at FOY, so we actually turned the furnace on in the morning.  It does warm up fast though; we had some breakfast and then off to the 10 AM Water VB game.  It was nice and warm by now so I had a good game.  Sheila didn’t play as her right arm was quite sore this morning, especially when she raised it above her shoulders.  She watched from the coolest of the three hot tubs.  While walking over to the game, Sheila passed the spot we were promised and it was empty, so right after the game we moved the RV over.  I started the gen momentarily to mix the “Stabil” into the gen gas and I noted the hours were at 141.9 so now I can figure out how much gas it uses per hour, (I filled the gas tank on route down and again on route to Hemet so using my mileage from the trip down I should be able to figure it out).  After we got into out regular spot I got the RV set up – slides out, awning out, chairs out, etc. while Sheila went out to arrange a pedicure for tomorrow.  When she returned, we went out to check the local Elks Hall for events and music performers coming up.  Then it was off to Winco for groceries.  While wandering around we discovered that they carry the Kerrygold butter, its still $2 something a ½ pound.  We bought some deli hot chicken & prepared salads for supper as it was now late afternoon.  4 pieces, 2 legs & 2 thighs all dark meat, was under $3.00.  Back at the RV we unpacked, put our purchases away and had supper.  We finished in time to make it to the Mexican Train dominos game tonight.  Sheila did not manage to go out first even once in the 9 games we played! After that we made it back to the RV in time to watch a “Blacklist” on TV.  We then spent some time trying to figure which channels we get and relate them to the TV Guide Sheila bought.  Then, while I went on the computer to do expenses etc.  Sheila just “had to” watch some reruns of sitcoms like  “The King of Queens”  After all, it’s been over 3 weeks without TV!   She says.

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