Friday, February 20, 2015

Wed 18 Feb Day 30

                           MIKAELA’S BIRTHDAY,  7 YEARS OLD TODAY

Sheila got up early & went for the 8 AM Zumba class. She said it was really good and she enjoyed it a lot.  We went up for the regular 10 AM start for the game and played till noon as usual.  After hot tubbing it’s back to the RV for lunch and then out to do errands, - Sheila got her watch strap adjusted so she can finally wear her Christmas watch; we bought tickets for the Thursdays movie; I found a key cutter to make me a duplicate door key; and we found the Coldstone Creamery and had a treat; then I dropped off Sheila & went down to Winco for more milk & cereal for me. We had supper then went up to the GVP’s Got Talent show.  They had 6 acts, all singers, and the audience voted each act out of 6.  Sheila thought that one girl, Joyce should have won at least 2nd, but she was out of the running. Afterwards, we came back to SKYPE Mikaela to wish her a ‘Happy Birthday” and say “Hi” to everyone.  It was not too bad, there was some distortion in the audio & video at times but it went OK and we had a good visit and got to see everyone.  The only problem was, when the girls & Adeline moved towards the  camera so we could see them, their faces were distorted & looked 3–4 X fatter than they actually are.  After our SKYPE session, Sheila tried to phone Vicki to wish her a Happy BD, but for some reason our US phone wouldn’t connect to Canada even though I was able to phone Ken with no problems from FOY.  Fortunately, Vicki could hear that someone was trying to call her from our cell number, so she called us & Sheila & her had a nice chat.


  1. Thanks again for taking the time to Skype Mikaela, she enjoyed it, even if she didn't know what to say at times. She finds it best if the other person asks her questions and she answers them, lol. She asked me today when you guys were coming back and was upset when I said not for another couple of months - she misses you! If you guys are free on March 3rd, maybe we can do another Skype session (for no particular reason............heehee)?

    1. The 3rd sounds like a plan. At the moment we are sort of maybe planning on going to Red lobster for their Lobster Fest but nothing set as yet. it would be fun to skype after we return, if we go. Will keep you posted
