Monday, February 23, 2015

Sat 21 Feb Day 42

overcast & cool in the morning, Sheila said it was 54 at 8:30

Our paper subscription arrived today so now we get the paper with TV schedules & weather. After breakfast I headed up to the pool and slowly more people arrived.  With the warm water and the weather clearing to sun it was a good game although we only had 23 people out so we didn't split and use the other pool.  After the game Larry Stevens was playing at the cabana so we had lunch there before returning to the RV.  Tonight is the Polynesian pool party from 4 to 6.  I got there at 3:30 to get a good position.  We got a good seating area and waited for the show to start.  Sheila got some of the free Blue Hawaiis & MaiTai’s and we chatted with the people sitting beside us.  The show came on & was quite enjoyable but not as good as the one we saw here a few years ago.  We had pulled pork in a burger bun that was great. However it did get quite cool, I was getting chilled in my shorts & short sleeve shirt.  After we came back to the RV for the evening.

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