Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sun 1 Feb Day 22 Superbowl Day

We awoke to absolutely clear blue sky & sunshine. It got up to 80, (30), today.  We had a leisurely morning making French toast for breakfast before going down for the noon water VB game. Sheila did not have a very good game.  She didn't get the ball that often & when she did, she flubbed it!  After the game, Sheila swam lengths while I hot tubbed and sat in the sun to dry off.  We came back home to see how things were going with the Super Bowl set up.  We got all organized and then Les found he couldn't pick up the CTV feed on his satellite dish.  We thought that the FCC had blocked the game from CTV because we weren’t paying for it or showing the US commercials and they weren't getting any money from us for using the game TV feed.  However it turned out that Les may have bumped the receiver or something, he’s going to phone about it tomorrow. Did you watch the game in Canada? We went over to Leon & Mercy’s rig as they have a US dish so could get the game.  We took our goodies over & they had some so we all, (Leon, Mercy, Ginger, Ron, Les, Dorothy, Sheila & I), watched the game in their 5th wheel. They were announcing during the game that the season opening of “The Blacklist” would be on right after the game.  We have the PVR set to record it but I don’t know if it will record it at this special time. I’ll call Ken later to see if he got it and to check our PVR and see if we did. Anyway, it was a close game & came down right to the last play of he game with Seattle on the 1 yard line about to make a touchdown to win when they got intercepted on a pass for the touchdown and lost the game 28 – 24.  The announcers were wondering whose idea it was to chance a pass for the touchdown when they were so close.   We were back to the RV about 7:30 to do the usual.  No expenses today however.  Today was Feb 1 so we changed the calendar to Feb and hung it up by the table.  The picture is of Adeline looking towards the camera with William on her back in a carry thingy.  She is smiling, he is smiling and it is a marvellous picture, it seems to brighten up the RV and really stands out, I love it.

1 comment:

  1. We didn't watch the Super Bowl game but I've heard bits about the end.
    Aww, I'm happy that you like the photo! =D
