Friday, February 13, 2015

Sheila wanted to try swimming in the Salton Sea

Sheila in the Salton Sea floating arms up legs on surface, not sinking at all

Sheila still floating making no effort or movement to stay on surfce

Sheila swimming back to shore

Back on shore, she went a long way out & then decided that maybe she should come in a bit, I had the camera on max zoom to take the shots of her in the water


  1. Haha, I thought it was her legs up (like she was doing a handstand), not her arms!
    Sounds like water I can float in! What causes so much salt to be in the water?

    1. Basically evaporation and as the water that runs into the Salton Sea has a lot of salt in it also there is no outlet so water runs in, evaporates & leaves it's salt content behind
