Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mon 23 Feb Day 44

No rain, no wind, and the sun is out.

We woke to bright sunshine after a cpl or so days of cloud, overcast and really heavy rain last night.  During the VB game the sun periodically went behind a cloud but by noon we had full sun. I went out to the bank for more cash and then to Winco for milk & cereal. I used my debit card at Winco because they don’t take credit cards & I wanted to check & see if there was any difference in exchange rates, between the bank & Winco.  Nope, both identical.

Larry & Judy came over around 2 or so & we played Bridge.  Just as they arrived it sprinkled a bit then later it actually hailed a bit and the temp was down to 54 F, about 14 C, by 5:30 and it will be colder tonight.  The Bridge went well, for me at least, I played with Larry & we got a fast rubber, then after 6 deals we switched partners & I played with Judy & we got a fast rubber as well. Sheila, on the other hand, had mostly ‘pass’ hands & never got to play even one hand in 2+ hrs!  Larry & Judy brought over ice cream & strawberries, which we had with our ‘no-bake chocolate cookies’ from the FoY recipe.  It was a fun afternoon!  After a light supper, I went to play Cribbage while Sheila watched TV at home.  At cribbage you pay $1.00, play 5 or 6 games, (depending on time as they try to finish by 10PM), then the top scores win a prize – the entry $1.00’s split.  I won 4 games, lost one by only 11 points and was in the top scores but then the last game I lost, getting only 85 out of 121. That was enough to put me way out of the money.

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