Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mon 9 Feb Day 30

Today is ‘Wash the RV Day’ so we were up and had coffee & tea, (& pills of course), but no breakfast.  We got the RV ready to move, slides, solar disconnected etc. and went over to the wash area.  The hose is provided and it’s 25 cents for a set period of time when the hose comes on.  It meters time so you can’t just shut the hose off to get more time.  We got it done for around 5 quarters. On route back we dumped the grey tank as it was ¾ full and we drove right past the dump station anyway. The entire process--prep for moving;  washing the RV, (30 min) & dumping the grey tank took a total of 90 min.
Then we cooked up a scramble for breakfast - sausage, red pepper, green onions, and 3 eggs all with toast.  That done, we headed down for the noon game. The action plan for today was noon volleyball then Sheila would do a laundry & I would be on hand the help fold sheets, Sheila would try to get a on a resort computer to email stuff, I would sit in the sun and play in the pool. Then at 3 PM we would go to Freddy’s Happy Hour for drinks & a  quesadilla with sour cream & salsa--all half price.  Then we’d join 4 PM Volley Ball after which I was probably going to return to the RV, while Sheila stayed around the pool area to have supper at Freddy’s & then go to the  free “Dive in” poolside movie at 6:30.  It was to be ‘Blended,” an Adam Sandler movie. I don’t like him so wasn't interested. 

As the VB game ended, the park Avon lady appeared with the products Sheila had ordered & wasn’t expecting until tomorrow afternoon.  So Sheila went off with her in her golf cart to our RV to get the money for the order.   I was sitting in the hot tub when Sheila returned & said she’d forgotten she had left her RV keys in the RV & could she borrow mine. No problem!  I gave her my keys. This is where the heavy ominous music starts playing, so you know something bad is going to happen. I stay in the hot tub for a while, then go & shower & change. The movie is starting in half an hour & I am walking towards Freddy’s looking for Sheila to tell her maybe I’ll start to watch the movie with her when I see her and, she tells me she can’t find the set of RV keys I just gave her!  She walked from the hot tub to car, drove up to the RV and lost the keys enroute!  Of course it’s dark now, so no way we will find them on the ground. Also, by now, both the market where our car was parked and the resort office are closed.  So we head back to the RV, borrow Les’ step ladder & Sheila climbs in a window which fortunately is open because of the daytime heat.  The bottoms of our windows are over 6 feet off the ground. She retrieves her RV keys, unlocks the door and all is well except that my keys are who knows where and Sheila doesn’t have a set anymore because I confiscated her set--they are mine now!  I stayed at the RV and Sheila went down to watch what’s left of the movie, probably only missed the first 10 or so minutes but instead of the nice supper she’d planned on having at Freddy’s, she only had a few peanuts, some tiny animal cookies and a few grapes while she watched the movie. I am running the gen and rear A/C to cool the bedroom.  When Sheila returned she said she liked the movie & thought that I might have too.  Then we had dessert together before I retired for the night & she edited the last two nights blogs.  Hopefully, the keys were found by someone & have been, or will be, turned into the office in the morning.  What happened to them definitely is a mystery!  At least, she was able to get the money for the Avon lady & pick up her stuff on the way home after the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I actually did start thinking "uh-oh" when you gave her your keys, lol! Hope I'll read in the next blog entry that you found them right outside your door or something!
