Monday, February 23, 2015

Thurs 19 Feb Day 40

It’s slightly cooler today but still in mid to high 70’s and sunny. So it is “Up, up & away to Water Volleyball then, the  hot tub.  Today there was a Health Fair in the ballroom.  I had my glucose tested and I’m well below any diabetes level, Sheila too.  Then I did a blood pressure test and I came out a little high but this was only ½ hour after a 2 hour volley ball game & 25 minutes in the hot tub so it is as expected. Sheila’s came out at moderately high as it always does.  Dr. H wants her to control it with diet & exercise rather then resorting to medicine and the people in the booth agreed with that.  Before the Health Fair, we sat at the Cabana & listened to the live music & singer Larry Stevens who performs at lunch time regularly a cpl times a week.  After the Fair, it was time to head for the Thursday movie, (seniors are $5.50 every Thursday).  We went to “American Sniper” it is a true story about a lengendary Navy sniper during America’s war with Iraq. It was directed by Clint Eastwood & was quite good. 
After the movie we went out to Angie’s Restaurant for supper.  The décor is that of a 50’s soda fountain.  There are interesting posters & lots of photos of 50’s celebs, like Elvis & M. Monroe on the walls. Thursday’s special was BBQ ribs with baked potato & trimmings, including salad & dessert for under $10.00.  Of course, I had that while Sheila went for the Seniors 6 oz steak, also with soup or salad & dessert.  It was only $9.00!  Then we came back to the RV for her to watch the 2½ Men series finale while I did the usual—blog & expenses.  Then we both watched ‘Elementary’ together.

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