Monday, February 2, 2015

Fri 30 Jan Day 20 - NOTE - 2 days published today Thurs & Fri

It rained at night but stopped by early morning.  The overcast sky is blocking out the sun.  It’s still nice though--really mild & no wind.  Sat outside chatting with the group then about 11 went to have lunch & get ready to go down for Water V.B.  We played 12 to 1 then after a short Hot tub, we changed & went to the computer room to try to look up Algodones dentists for Sheila to get estimates from.  Apparently Algodones in Mexico, is a dental mecca for people where dentists educated in the US & certified by the American Dental Association do dental work at less than half home prices. For example, a crown that they list as $1300.00 in the US is $200.00 there. Fillings that are $130-170 in US are only $40-80 in Algodones. The dentists all speak English and from photos all the offices & staff look very professional.  Sheila is going tomorrow with Les Bullis who is getting some work done to she if she can get an estimate on some work
Dr. Caners says she needs done. More in tomorrow’s blog.  So after the computer search we went to Freddy’s for a snack just before Sheila played in the4 PM water VB game.  It had started to cloud over & cool off a little & I was also feeling tired so I skipped the game. She did really well; I think she is getting better than me - - - almost. Then home for supper and an evening of journal writing etc.  Sheila has to be up & ready to go with Les & Dorothy tomorrow by 8:30 to 8:45.


  1. Wow, those dentists sound like a good deal! Have they had good reviews?

    1. yes, and Sheila was impressed by the dentist she saw, she has his contact number and he said he would keep her details & xrays
