Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thurs 5 Feb Day 26

When we got up the batteries had recovered a little bit and the solar panel was charging the batteries.  Today was also dump tanks day so after our breakfast coffee and tea we got the RV organized to move about 50 feet, I back up about 30 feet, turn the wheels to make a left turn & go forward about 35 feet and I am at the dump station.  Not much movement involved but the slides have to be in and stuff stored so it doesn’t roll off the table, counters etc. That done I returned the RV to it’s spot & ran out the slides and put out the solar panel.  Sheila had left to go down to her Water Zumba class before I moved the RV but the dumping is really just a one person job.  I had lunch and got ready to go down to the noon water VB game.  I got there to discover that the pool was empty.  Apparently someone had an “accident” in the pool & they had to empty it.  So I went over to the other pool where I ran into Sheila sitting in the sun her class being over. I sat in the sun, played around in the pool for quite a while.  Sheila left to change & try the computer room for a free computer.
After that, she returned to the RV about 3 pm to get warmer clothes for tonight & reported that even though it was ONLY 78 F, 25 C outside, it was 89 F inside the RV even with all the windows open.  She says that’s when she’d like to be able to run the AC in it! 
In the afternoon, 3 ish I went over to Freddy’s café and pre-ordered our pizza’s for the Karaoke Nite tonight starting around 4 or 5 or so.  I sat with Leon & Mercy, her brother Richard and his wife Judy and several other people and talked & relaxed in the late afternoon.  Sheila joined us just after 4:00.  The karaoke started and there were some really good singers that could stay on key & on time & didn’t need to look at the words much.  We finally left about 6:40 to head up the hall where the “Duelling Guitars” was starting at 7:00.  They were two residents who were really good guitar players, one played a 12 string, one played a 6 string. Between numbers they took turns telling jokes most of which were really funny, so not only did we have an evening of good music, but we had lots of laughs as well.  It was very enjoyable. At one point in the show, the Canadian player asked any Canadians in the audience to raise their hands. Over ½ of the audience did. We arrived back at the RV about 8:30 in time to run the gen for ½ an hour, (gen time is 8 AM to 9 PM). Then it is ‘‘catch up’ on our daily journal  and assorted other things time” before it’s time for bed.  It is still a mystery why the power went so low other than  the inverter draw, but the lights are fine now.  Once the sun came up, the portable solar panel was charging the batteries well. I did discover a popped breaker on the main panel that may have had something to do with it – who knows?

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