Friday, February 27, 2015

Wed 25 Feb Day 46

Clear & sunny, only 50 F at 8:00 am but hot later 75+ F

Sheila got up early & went to her 8 AM Zumba class then home for breakfast.  I had my cereal & coffee then off to the pool for VB, Sheila arrived later.  After the hot tub & shower we shared a lunch at the Cabana—a chili renello & 2 chicken faustas, (egg rolls) and listened to Larry Stevens music till 1:30.  Then back to the RV for Sheila to gather laundry & go over to the machines & do it. You need a lot of quarters as it cost $4.75 to wash & dry a load.  We went to SPROUTS, a unique food store, got raisins, dries cranberries, dried apple slices and some neat bread to snack on.  Then a few steps to J & M restaurant where we had been in previous years and which is really good and really inexpensive.  I had one of the daily specials, usual price for most of them is $7.49, but I had the pork ribs dinner for $8.99 including salad, choice of potato – (baked, fries, mashed), vegetables, and dessert, a great deal. Then home for the evening. 

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