Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tues 3 Feb Day 24 - - 3 days were posted today, see note on the title to Mondays blog entry

Tues 3 Feb Day 24

A slow start to a nice day. Weather again in the 80’s with little or no wind. Sheila had a Water Zumba class 11-12, so she went down to the pool area while I did some chores around the RV.  I was supposed to make up a Mac & Cheese with wieners for lunch & then go down for the noon VB game, meet Sheila & both come back for lunch.  Well, I dilly dallied and it was 10 to noon and I hadn’t even started to get lunch ready.  I made up lunch and I finally got down about 12:20 so was too late to join the game so I just sat in the sun until Sheila showed up.  After lunch I worked on the daily journal.  Tonight is a special TNT entertainment night so I will go over early to get some good seats. I may skip the 4 PM game as well just so I’m not rushed getting out of the pool, changed, dried etc, then making supper. This makes a whole day without going into the pool or the hot tub.  Sheila did go down for the 4PM game. She arrived back just as I was getting supper on the table so that worked well. Then about 6:30, I went down to Hay Hall, (with Les & Dorothy), to get seats for tonight’s TNT night special show.  One of the residents here planned & put together a Lawrence Welk show.  She had people portraying the original performers on the show and they did the same format as the original.  It was all quite entertaining. They also had some of the famous guest performers, The Andrews Sisters, The Supremes, and others. There were a lot of performers, all park residents, most, very talented.  It was the best talent show we’ve seen so far. Back to the RV for the end of day chores – dishes, journal, internet if we can get it.


  1. A whole day with no pool or hot tub time for you?? That's unheard of! Lol.
    I hadn't heard of Zumba being done in the water before, is it low impact?
    The Andrews sisters, cool, I love their close harmony stuff! Did the park residents do them justice?

    1. Yes it was a struggle with no pool time. Yes it's low impact, Sheila said there's lots of resistance. And yes the Andrews sisters act was good
