Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mon Jan 26 Day 16 - - Note I accidentally deleted Sunday also I posted Sat & Mon today

We awoke to cloud and some light sprinkles, still warm though. Our outside thermometer was reading 65 this morning around 9:30. There is no wind at alI, just periodic light sprinkles. I went down to the pay phone to call the 800 numbers for ICBC & Aviva & GVP (to make reservations for Feb 10 arrival). The ICBC agent I had an extension # for isn’t in today.  The Aviva went through OK and that’s settled, they have cancelled my claim number, they figured that my agent called them to say I might need repairs. Back at the RV, we made up an omelette for breakfast/lunch about 11:30 and then went down for the volleyball.  They had a full pool there despite the sprinkles of periodic rain.  It has stopped by 1 PM.  The clouds don’t even look like rain clouds, they are thin and a light grey.  After the game we sat in the mineral pool and then I changed and went to Freddy’s CafĂ© to work on the computer.  It said I had internet and I connected but it wouldn’t bring up my email, then after a while it went to “no internet access”.  I’ll be glad to get to GVP!  I went over to the computer room where Sheila had a computer & was busy connecting.  She was able to stay on for half an hour as no one was waiting.  (The limit is 15 min. if someone’s waiting.)  There are 4 computers available. We headed back to the RV as a few sprinkles came & went.  We had afternoon tea in the RV and then prepped for a nice supper.  I did discover one thing about this RV that I will have to get changed – if possible.  When I went to fire the engine up to check gas tank levels & mileage the battery was dead.  It’s a new battery! Then I remembered that in the Jayco back in 2001 when we picked it up I ran the engine battery dead while parked on PEI and plugged in.  It turned out that the radio ran off the engine battery.  I am going to have that changed over as I did on the Jayco.  Fortunately I have the auxiliary start button that connects the coach batteries to the engine, so no real problem.  We can use the generator here until 9 PM so no problem keeping warm & cosy and we can still run the furnace on the batteries as well. So, after supper we got out another Carol Burnett Show DVD, fired up the Gen & watched it till a bit before 9:00.  I headed to bed about an hour later; Sheila as usual stayed up to do her “jobs” & read.

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