Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Beatles Concert Pictures from Feb 18

The crowd picture shows Zigi, (husband Kirk not in shot). They were sitting at our table. She is standing up waving a candle in a maroon or purple top. She plays Water Volley Ball in a bikini!!! In one of the videos she is wearing a black & white one. The first half the Beatles were as the original Beatles then in the second half they had the Sargent Peppers Album outfits on.

The crowd gets into it, Zigi standing mid back left in redish top

As Sargent Pepper in the second half

The 4 Beatles performers

more volley ball, as you hear, it's a lot of fun, left to right back row at start is Yvonne, Sheila, Bren, Judy Shaffer. Finger on lens top courner.

Friday, February 25, 2011

extra pictures from Fiesta night

One of the residents of GVP is a very good photographer and takes shots at all the events & posts them on the web for anyone to see & copy to their own photo albums. He just posted the Fiesta pictures from Feb 11 so I added a couple here even though they are out of date sequence. If he posts more on events we attended I will add them.

Fiesta dancers (Fri Feb 11)

Dancing at Fiesta Feb 11

Feb 24 Thurs

Feb 24 Thurs Day 38, early cloud but sun is peeking through & looks like it’s clearing.

It cleared nicely for W.VB.* after which we came back grabbed a quick lunch & went up for the dance lesson session but no instructor. Sheila found out that they were doing Salsa & Swing so we opted out and will go to the movie today – “Unknown”. It turned out to be good with a bit of a twist at the end. After we came back to GVP and Judy asked us to join them for a crock pot supper she had ready, a bean & meat mix. We took over a salad & French bread type mini loves & had a very nice supper. Then it was Mexican train night. We won our dollar back & ended even. Back at the RV for TV & journal entries.
*from now on take W.VB. to include a nice soak in the hot tub for around ½ an hour

Feb 23 Wed - Yvonne Leaves

Feb 23 Wed Day 37 cloudy & cool – low 50’s

I got up & made it to Yvonne’s site by 8:45 by skipping coffee & breakfast. Larry showed up a couple of minutes after I did. I helped her get the TV off the wall, (it could bounce up, come out of its supports & fall if left on the wall). Yvonne handed me the keys to back the truck up to hook up & I immediately handed them to Larry. Larry backed the truck up really well, he has often done backing to a trailer type hitch before, I haven’t. Then her right turn signal would not work on the trailer. After some fiddling with the bulb, Larry had the idea to squirt a bit of WD40 into the socket connectors, it worked & turn signal worked, a good idea to store in my brain for future reference. Yvonne away about 9:45. Back at the RV for coffee & breakfast. As it is still cloudy & cool we skipped W.VB. & went to a Health Fair they had running here to get info. We did a bunch of their free tests, (my BP was 166 over 80 & Sheila was 146 0ver 88), and all in all we didn’t come out too bad. My BMI (body mass index) was “slightly” high but quite OK, (Bren’s interpretation). There was another test to do with body fat, (I stalled on doing that one but finally did it). Test results showed that I should lose about 14 pounds, to be healthy. (I should put that in kgs – 6.3 – it doesn’t sound like much then). Sheila’s results showed that she should lose 25.4 lbs of fat ideally, & that a realistic goal for health purposes would be 12–13 lbs! She doesn’t think that’s very realistic though! I’m guessing we need to give away the candy & other goodies we travel with. We found out the above info & much more by standing barefoot on what looked like a large bathroom scale—ain’t technology grand! Sheila had really hoped to get her blood sugar levels checked, but the nurse doing it was delayed getting there for an hour & when she did finally come her glucose meter wasn’t working. The health fair provided a free lunch – nice "healthy" hot dogs, coleslaw & bags of potato chips. Various exhibitors provided snacks of chocolates, candy, cookies & pound cake. The only healthy snack there was some orange slices. Sheila said it should have been named the "Junk Food Fair". Though I didn't notice her saying "No" to any of them. The Fair went to about1 pm. When it ended we went with Larry, Judy & their friends Wilf & Jeanine, (a CDN cpl from Abbotsford), to Larry’s rig for strawberries & ice cream, followed by a game of Pegs & Jokers and all with much jovial conversation. We played teams, girls against boys, girls won by one peg, (we have 5 pegs each to get “home”, the boys had only 1 peg left out when they got all theirs in). Then home for a quick supper & off to GVP's dance tonight with a husband/wife duo named "Rainbow Cottage". They played several line dances some of which Sheila did and some 2-steps which is a couples dance where they go around the room one behind the other doing a set of steps & twirls. They played good music but were light on fast jives and had too many Cha Cha’s, line dances & 2 steps for me, but I would go again. We both prefer them to "The Country Exchange," another husband/wife duo that plays country& 50-60's stuff. We left just before it ended at 10 so I could catch the new “Criminal Minds, Suspect Behaviour” show.

Yvonne hooked up & ready to roll. Off to Palm Springs Airport to pick up Paul

Larry pulling the trailer out while Yvonne checks clearance

Feb 22 Tues

Feb 22 Tues Day 36 clear skies, calm, sunny. High was 64 F.

Up for W.VB. as usual. Sheila did not go as she was preparing her pea salad for the Ladies luncheon put on by the Ladies' Quilting group. Judy & Yvonne left VB early for the same event. Then after their luncheon, we gathered for a last W.VB game with Yvonne. We only had about 11 people and some were completely new to the game so it didn’t go all that well, lots of missed & dropped passes etc. After that, Larry, Judy, Yvonne & us all went out for supper together. We went to the Home Town buffet. After which Sheila went out to WinCo shopping & I came back to watch TV. We set up with Yvonne for me & Larry to go down to help her hook up the trailer and move out about 8:45 AM.

Feb 21 Mon

Feb 21 Mon Day 35 mostly clear, some cloud, coolish but sunny

Another good day for W.VB., split to 2 pools again. After hot tub time, seeing as it is Yvonne’s next to last day before she has to pull out Wed morning, we decided to do a lunch together with Larry& Judy. We got a room in the clubhouse, (it’s hard to seat 5 people for meals in the RV). We decided to get Chinese food from Mr Yu so I went up & got 3 dinners of chow mien with 2 entrĂ©e’s each, total $18.46, we even had leftover’s. Eating out & food in general is cheap here. The one anomaly I have found are soft drinks. At home a case of a dozen is about $3.50, here a dozen is around $4.50. After a great lunch the 5 of us played Jokers & Pegs, then Larry & Judy taught us 7 card peanuckle, I had trouble following it & keeping track--I think I will stick to bridge & the other games I already know. And yes, I know the name of the game isn’t spelled peanuckle but it pronounces that way and the correct spelling doesn’t look anything like how it pronounces. Back at the RV it’s time to get ready for cribbage night and to set up & record our Mon night TV shows. Gas prices are on the rise, in Hemet. When we first arrived, a US gallon was around $3.21, today it has gone to $3.40 & that’s at the cheaper stations, that’s climbing to over 90 cents a litre CDN $ equivalent. At crib I won 4 out of 5 games, a game is 121, but on one game I only got an 83 and was out of the money, Sheila won $4.00 coming in third. She also won 4 out of her 5 games, but did better on her non-winning hand, than I did.

Feb 20 Sunday

Feb 20 Sun Day 34 cloud with sun breaking through, lots of sun by afternoon

Off to W.VB and despite the cooler weather, (in low 50’s) we still got 20 players and split into 2 pools, followed by the hot tub & back to RV for lunch. On Sundays the local Elks Hall is having an “everyone welcome” open house from 3 till 6 and Larry Stephens is playing. (He plays at GVP on Thursdays.) Last year we went to an Elks function he was playing at as his guest. Admission is $5.00 each, & that includes one free bar drink. We arrived about 3:15. Larry & Judy came shortly after. We had a fun afternoon dancing & talking and ate supper there as well. We drove back & then went to the sing-a-long evening in the ballroom. They had 4 guitar players & one lady on a small keyboard leading the singing. After singing many “oldies but Goodies” from 7 to 9 pm, we walked back to the RV for TV, computer stuff etc.

Feb 19 Sat

Feb 19 Sat Day 33 - no rain or wind, lots of cloud, no sun breaks

The awning survived the winds last night. Sheila said the wind dropped just after she came to bed, up late as usual! It’s a cooler morning, but we still played W.VB. & did the hot tub, then returned to RV for lunch. Then I drove Yvonne to a nearby Starbucks so she could get internet. We dropped Sheila at a nail place in Von’s mall & picked her up on the return trip. We did a bit of shopping, had supper in RV and then were off to GVP’s dance. It had been pelting rain for a few hours then stopped but started again in the evening. The band was Al & Barb, The Country Exchange. He played electric guitar & she was on keyboard & they may have had some recorded backup as well. I found that there just wasn’t a strong beat to the music and the sound seemed subdued. They also play at the cabana during the week & he sounds great there, maybe their indoor sound system isn’t good. I like Rockin’ Rhonda better as she has drums, another guitar and a keyboard and plays with a good solid beat. When we got back to the RV Sheila is trying to catch up on email while I watch TV.

Feb 18 Fri

Feb 18 Fri Day 32 Overcast & quite cool

We got up early for the Friday breakfast at the Palms cafĂ© which is in the ballroom, they have a full kitchen there. Today they had waffles with strawberries & whipped cream. They had both O.J. & Cranberry juice so we made a ½ & ½ mix. After breakfast we decided it was a bit cool for W.VB so we borrowed Larry’s GPS with the Costco address in it and went down to Temecula. The GPS was quite nice and was helpful; I guess we’ll go shopping for one. We went down to Costco to get a directors chair, (like the two we have), but it had a side table on one side and a lined, insulated drink cooler bag on the other. A steal at $30.00! We got one & headed back at home, arriving in time to play the last ½ hour of W.VB. The sun was out & the temp. had risen.
Back to the RV for our Skype call to Adeline. Saw Erica & saw Mikaela open her birthday presents, a book & DVD of Disney’s “Little Mermaid” & a basket of plastic vegetables. She squealed with delight and was off to play with the vegetables when she opened that one. After the 35 minute call, it was clean the RV time. Sheila washed the floor. I was really tired so I had a nap and I missed the Fri wine & cheese get together but Sheila, Yvonne & Larry/Judy went. The rain started in earnest mid afternoon. I had my leftover rib for supper. The great thing about the ribs from J & M was that they included where they attached to the bone so you got a lot of meat. It was still raining when we left for the Beatles concert in the ballroom. They had complimentary cheese & crackers, popcorn & several wines out for everyone. The concert was great. It started at 7 & it was 9:30 when they finished their encores. Back at the RV we watched some recorded programs as the rain picked up & the wind blew. Larry came over to say he lowered his awning so we went out & put ours at the lowest setting. Highest wind forecast is 16 mph so it should be OK.

our new chair with side table & side cooler

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thurs Feb 17

Feb 17 Thurs Day 31 clearing, slight thin cloud, no wind, sunny & nice

Up to W.VB & we got enough to split into 2 pools, 12 to a pool. Then back to RV for lunch. Sheila & I were going to the Fox Trot dance lessons but there was no one there then we discovered it said 1PM one place with a request to sign up for it and in another it just said 1:15PM so we missed it. As Larry, Judy & Yvonne had said they were going to a movie I never heard of, Sheila opted to go while I stayed at the RV to catch up on blog postings & sweep the floor, (about a 5 minute of less job). The movie was called "Just go with It". Joan & Andre Toth, (Dogwood Roamers members from home), dropped in for a visit in the afternoon. They missed Sheila as she was off to the movie. It had Adam Sandler in it so I was glad I didn’t go but Sheila said he wasn’t an obnoxious jerk in this movie. When they got back it was decided to go to J & M Family Restaurant for supper, all 5 of us. I had the pork ribs for around $8 and ended up taking one of 3 giant ribs home, I filled up on the salad, baked potato & dessert. Back at GVP it is Mexican Train night so off we go. You put in 5 dimes each on a table of 6 players, you start at double 12 & go down to double zero. Each time someone goes out they get 20 cents with the balance of the money going to the lowest score. Today I put in my 50 cents and came home with $1.40; I went out 4 times & won the game money as well. The weather forecast is for cool, rainy weather for the next 2 or 3 days.

Water Volley Ball, we are on the far side of the net Bren in checkered cap beside Sheila in redish suit, Yvonne in black & Judy in the red/purple suit

Wed Feb 16 taking Paul to Palm Springs Airport

Feb 16 Wed Day 30 rain overnight, overcast and sprinkles in morning but calm

We got up early to leave for the airport at about 8:45. The drive up was great. On hwy 10 there was a very strong tail wind and I just kept picking up speed. I took my foot off the gas and kept going at 100 MPH, (160 KPH) for quite a while, coasting, the hwy is dead straight, 4 lanes wide & not much traffic. We got to Palm Springs airport about 9:45, dropped off Paul then went over to Wal-Mart where Yvonne had something to return. Then Yvonne took us to a breakfast restaurant called Goodys and treated us to breakfast. I had an omelette which I would swear had to be 4 or 5 eggs it was so big. It was cheap too, most of their dishes were in the $4 to $6 range. After that we went to the CSA event; the information was stuff we already were mostly aware of but the entertainment was great, one man from Cape Breton Island and another man & wife couple that were ex Canadian TV stars, Ronnie Profit who someone in the park said is the brother of our local entertainer Tony Profit. We really enjoyed it. It ended around 3:30 after which we went to Shields Date Farm for a date shake and then back to hwy 10 & home. We ran into a lot of wind & rain so were really going slow, down to 100 KPH & less. We got back by 6PM and decided to get Chinese food from Mr You’s, a take-out/eat-in place that we discovered last year; it’s in the mall on the northeast side of Esplanade & Sanderson, (3.5kms from our site). For $6.19 I got enough for both of us with about a 1/3 of it left over, chow mien, beef & broccoli and orange chicken. Then we went over to Larry & Judy’s for a game of bridge to finish off the evening. A long walk, they are in site 518, one up from us.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Playing bridge with Larry & Judy in their RV

Tues Feb 15

Feb 15 Tues Day 29 - morning cloud, a bit cooler but cleared up to a sunny afternoon

W.VB as usual. It was nice & sunny by noon but there was no music at the cabana today so we came back to the RV for lunch. After I used the telescoping ladder to put on my awning deflappers & for Sheila to get on the roof, it works well. Sheila’s off in the afternoon shopping for what we forgot about yesterday while I stay around the RV for Paul & Yvonne’s arrival. Paul & Yvonne arrived late afternoon and we set up for a supper at our rig with all 6 of us under our awning. I had to borrow tables from Larry & people had to bring their own chairs. I BBQ’ed steaks, Judy made her marvellous devilled eggs, Sheila did salad & baked potatoes, Yvonne brought green beans, and the dessert which was a fruit & berry mix. It was a fun evening. As Paul has to leave Thurs morning and fly home with his brother Mark for Marks medical tests we said we would drive them to Palm Springs because it works into our going to the Canadian Snowbirds Association’s Information meeting held from 1 to 4PM. There is also entertainment scheduled. After supper we played bridge with Paul & Yvonne.

Valantines Day Mon Feb 14

Feb 14 Mon Day 28 some cloud but still warm & nice

We had a nice breakfast of bacon & eggs on toast then off to W.VB. I cooked breakfast because I compleatly forgot to get a Valentine for Sheila, she remembered. Then after a leisurely lunch break I went to WinCo for a big shopping and Sheila went out to get artificial nails removed because she thought one of her nails was injured but it wasn’t. She also found someone to split a 1.75 litre bottle of Bacardi white rum that was on sale at Vons for $19.56 tax included. She would never drink that much & wanted to have space to bring other stuff back. After supper we both went to cribbage night, I won $2.00 so it was another break even night. Back to the RV in time for Monday evening TV. With our new set we get digital channels which are a lot cleared & sharper than the analogue ones, CBS here is channel 2 and it is a bit streaky & not really sharp, but at channel 2-1 it comes in crystal clear. The only problem is that if we record on the VCR we have to record CBS on channel 2 as there is no way to program it for channel 2-1 for times we are out.

Sun Feb13

Feb 13 Sun Day 27 the usual weather, mid 70’s, 22-24C

Did our W.VB. & after, into the hot tub. Back for lunch then it is laundry day which Sheila did while I went to the bank for more cash, discovered that the credit union that gave free withdrawals now charges $3.00 so I took out $500 and with the exchange & the $3 added in it worked out to cost 3.5% so that’s not too bad. Then we toured some “A”, “C”, & 5th wheels they had set up in the park from an RV dealer. We saw a cpl that we would like but generally nothing that much better than ours. Email from Paul & Yvonne that they are arriving Tues late afternoon. After supper we went to the Swiss Pairs bridge night. We couldn’t do a thing the first 3 rounds, (5 hands in a round), and did OK on the last 2 but ended up out of the money, (they collect $1.00 each and divide it up into prizes for 1st to 4th). Sheila finds she feels rushed & doesn’t like the play so we may skip that & just play with Larry & Judy.

Sat Feb 12

Feb 12 Sat Day 26

Off to W.VB and home. Then it is Moving Day, I scouted around & found some good spots for WiFi, checked with the office and they weren’t reserved. So we unhooked and drove around. The large palm tree was a bit of a hazard but I could see it easily out the drivers side so I got in OK. The office said that not many people take that spot. However, if you were driving a fifth wheel or trailer or a really big class A, you would have difficulty. After getting set up it was relax in the sun for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening there was a dance with Rockin’ Rhonda. Sheila was still feeling tired so we left early at 9PM

Sheila on the patio at site 516 for lunch

our new site - #516 the palm trees was a bit tricky to miss but I backed in fine

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fiesta Day Fri Feb 11

Feb 11 Fri Day 25, the usual weather—sunny & low 70’s

It’s a good thing there is a border & this is the USA, if it was all one country you might never see us for 6 or more months a year, Nov. to April. Of course Sheila might have something to say about that and even I would probably miss seeing Mikaela & Erica. Oh yes, and Michael, Adeline and the basement troll.

I got on internet at the clubhouse & the 10 day forecast has a few cooler & possible rain days next Wed to Sat, highs from 59 to 64, (15C to 18C),but that could change. After our W.VB., we came back to RV for lunch, then I washed the car--1st time since leaving home. They don’t allow washing of vehicles in most RV Parks so I just used a bucket of water & a chamois to wipe it down, works fine, just slower than blasting it with a hose & brush. After that, Sheila went out to get & mail two BD cards—one for Mikaela & one for Vicki. Meanwhile, I talked to one of the office girls here & she said if I found another site that had good WiFi connections there was no problem with me moving the RV there.

We headed out to Fiesta night about 4:00. They had the outdoor patio decorated up, with the tables from the ballroom moved out and a stage set up for the Mexican dancers. They had 3 strolling Mariachi players that went from table to table, and a lady that taught us Salsa & the Meringue. Happy hour was real happy for Sheila. They sold you a plastic boot shaped shot glass, 1 oz, for a dollar, and then gave you unlimited free refills. Sheila found Tequila that she really liked called “lime Tequila”, it didn’t taste as strong & she said it was quite a bit sweeter. She also found a Sangria she liked as well, brand name Carlo Rossi Sangria, I think, we will look for it in a store. As this was all included in our ticket, and as I don’t drink, she made sure we really, really got our moneys worth! So much so, she needed me to help her walk in a straight line going home! While we ate our dinner of enchiladas, rice & refried beans, a Folkloric dance group consisting of boys, girls, men & women performed Mexican folk dances. They were in very colourful costumes. I took some pictures & video of the dancing,(could not get the video to load on the blog). It was a fun event, which ended about 7:00.
When we returned to the RV, Sheila went to bed real early & slept almost 12 hrs!

Note the glasses in front of Sheila Left to Right are, Merlot wine, Sangria wine, a Tequila shot in the plastic refillable boot & water(?)

Entertained at our table

Meriachi players

Our table on the patio at the cabana area , Meriachi players in background, L to R Gherta/ Irvine, Tim/Cathy, Judy/Larry

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thurs Feb 10

Feb 10 Thurs Day 24 the usual weather, sunny, clear, warm into the 70’s, little to no wind

Up for W.VB 7 the hot tub then stayed at the cabana to listen to Larry Stevens, (one of the performers from last year that we really liked), and have lunch. Today is seniors day at the local Regal theatre chain, $4.50. We went with Larry & Judy to see “The Kings Speech”, it was good, we all enjoyed it. Then over to “J & M Family Restaurant” for supper. I had pork ribs with fries, the baked potato soup, and rice pudding dessert, and coffee, Sheila’s main course was the cabbage rolls, with a large lemonade drink, all for $18.88 what a bargain! It is hard to avoid eating out here, there are lots of real bargains in meals. Then home where Judy & I are going to play Mexican Train Dominos at the clubhouse while Larry & Sheila got another movie – Country Strong. I’d seen the trailers on TV at home & wasn’t impressed. After setting up to record tonight TV shows I went over to the clubhouse to play Mex Trains. You put in 5 dimes and every time you go out you win 2 dimes back. There are 6 players & we go from double 12 down to double blank with the lowest final score winning the remaining dimes. I never went out and didn’t win so I’m out 50 cents. Then back to the RV for TV. Sheila came back from the movie & said she quite enjoyed it, Larry liked it too so maybe I would have, who knows.

Wed Feb 9

Feb 9 Wed Day 23 clear & sunny, no cloud anywhere,temp into the 70's

Off to W.VB where we started in the east pool & very shortly split as we got to 24 players. But then a cpl people left after an hour or so and we were 5 to a side. More people came but they went into the other pool so they had 8 or 9 or so to a side. 6 a side works well for getting lots of play but 5 is a bit short as you have to cover a lot of pool & you can’t move quickly in 3 or 4 feet of water. After lunch, we got a call from Yvonne that due to Paul’s brother having some medical problem they wouldn’t make it here until next week sometime, (they’re up in Palm Springs). I went up to the clubhouse to get on the internet because the WiFi at the RV was too weak to even connect. I got some of the blogs caught up when the whole system went down; even the RV Parks computers were dead. So back to the RV where I super glued another of Sheila’s sunglasses, she has now had 3 pair split on the lens frame. After supper I went back up to the clubhouse, while Sheila watched her dancing show finale, & got the blogs up to date. Sheila was really happy with the eventual grand prize winners, she had voted for them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 8 Tues - at GVP

Feb 8 Tues Day 22 sunny, clear, calm, forecast low 70’s

Off & away to W.VB as usual. It’s a little cooler today with some cloud cover but still nice. Actually, it’s nicer for playing WVB because no one has to look into the full sun. After lunch, a bit of shopping for crazy glue to try to fix Sheila’s sunglasses. 2 pair have broken, the frame snapped on the part around the lens. One actually was a new pair, not from a thrift store. Sheila was particularly upset about them as they were her “Sex in the City” styled ones. We also picked a bunch of lemons and will try making fresh squeezed lemonade. Relaxed around the RV, had supper then out to the play, “Love Letters”, put on in the ballroom by the people that put on the dinner theatre we have been to in previous years. We enjoyed it, returned to the RV for an evening of computer & TV work.

Feb 7 Monday, Canada Day

Feb 7 Mon Day 21 sunny, clear, warm to hot

I went up to the office to see Michael, (the manager), and after I told him that the switch to actual months on the monthly bookings had left us 2 days short I asked for a double Passport America allowance – 6 days instead of 3 – he said “absolutely”, so problem solved, we are here until Fri morning March 18. I then joined the W.VB crowd which had already split into 2 pools by 10AM, apparently some people are starting at 9:30 as the weather is great & it is warm out. We had asked Larry & judy to see if they could get us tickets for the Canada Day BBQ event Mon starting at 4 till ???. However they couldn't buy any as they are Americans, they asked a Canadian to try but they sold out. There are far more Canadians down here than the official top capacity of the ballroom, 200 or so. So we arranged with Larry & Judy to do a “hands across the boarder” BBQ at our place for supper. We went out to WinCo supermarket for supplies, a US quart of milk, (3.785 ltrs), is $2.09, then home. Had a good supper and then off to cribbage in the Shuffleboard building. Sheila decided to stay home tonight. I came in fourth & managed to win back my dollar. We play 6 games of 4 to a table with the losing team moving to the next table & splitting so you always played with a different person. You peg your score, winners at 121 of course, & you take wherever you are on the board. Usually the top winner is someone who was on the winning team every table or only “lost” one game. Most of the evening games start about 7 & usually end around 9 or before 10. Then back to the RV for some TV. Sheila said that after I left, Les Bullis, (Roamers) phoned to say their plans had changed a bit. They were on their way to Texas to visit Dorothy’s brother, but because of the snow & horrific road conditions in N. Texas, they’d aborted that trip, turned around & drove to Holtville’s BLM lands. She told them we wouldn’t be going there this year & suggested that if they get bored in the desert, they come & try out GVP.

Feb 6 - Super Bowl Sunday

Feb 6 Sun Day 20 clear, sunny, warm – shorts & short sleeve weather, mid 70’s

The morning was spent playing W.VB., then back to RV for lunch. In the afternoon I went down to Wal-Mart to ask them about the TV problem. He checked my remote on their sets and they said I may have not got it set up correct as these new flat screen sets have to be programmed individually. So back at the RV after pushing a lot of buttons I finally found a menu that said “scan channels” so I pushed it & it started to find channels, a bunch of analog channels & then it started to program digital channels. So now the channel up/down on the remote works and all seems OK. Talking to Larry he said that every time he changes parks he has to reprogram his TV, so I guess I will too, at least I know what to do now. After playing with the TV, we went over to the ballroom for the Super Bowl party & shared a table with Larry & Judy. They had popcorn for $1.00 with free refills. They also had hot dogs, chilli dogs, pop, & free coffee. The game was good; it went down to the last play of the fourth quarter that could have won the game for the Pittsburgh Steelers if they had made the touchdown. On the 4th down, their QB threw a long pass, but it was incomplete, so the Green Bay Packers won by just running out the clock for the last few seconds.

Sat Feb 5 - into Hemet & Golden Village Palms

Feb 5 Sat Day 19 sunny and warming up fast, forecast to go into the 70’s (23/24C)

We have a lazy start to the day as we don’t have far to go. Out Murrieta Wal-Mart @ 136464 @ 11:00 then a stop at WinCo foods in Hemet at 11:40 @ 136497. We unhook the car as we are only 2 blocks from GVP and Sheila goes in to shop while I drive the RV to fill up the propane tank so we can check in with a full tank & not have to un-hook water, power etc then re-hook up just to pull out to get propane. I pull into GVP to check in at 12:00@ 136499. Larry & Judy are here, and there is an extra water volley ball game scheduled for 1:30. A quick bit of lunch & we are there, playing till 3 pm. On route to the pool someone has put out a bunch of lemons & some oranges from the RV park trees as a “help yourself” deal. After W.VB, (from now on W.VB means water volley ball), we sit in the hot tub before going back to the RV to change before going out to supper with Larry & Judy. We went to the Steer & Stein and I had the 1 pound “Super Stock” steak with baked potato, garlic bread & a large salad, all for $15.00. Sheila made me share some of my steak cuz she’d weighed herself just before dinner & decided she’d better not have a large dinner, so she just ordered soup and a zucchini sticks appetizer. Her appetizer was served in a 6 in. skillet which was heaped high, (8 in.) with battered sticks. They were almost a meal! Then I had the blackberry cobbler for dessert which Sheila kindly helped me with, After dinner, Sheila & I walked back to GVP, only about 2 blocks, .4 mile, we met up with Larry & Judy again and had an enjoyable evening playing bridge. Sheila & Judy beat Larry & I two rubbers to one. Back at the RV I added up how much gas I had put in to get to Hemet, (via San Diego), and it came to around $550.00 as I had to estimate a bit because there was about ¾ of a tank in when we left home.

Our site in GVP, Hemet

Sheila sitting outside at lunch

Fri Feb 4 - from San Diego to 1/2 way to Hemet

Feb 4 Fri Day 18 clear, sunny warm

We pulled out of Santa Fe RV Park @ 10:30 @ 136337 and were at the Camping World store by 11:15 @ 136395. I exchanged the step mats for the correct size. It was very crowded in their parking lot. We pulled into a blind alley in the lot, so had to unhook to get out. Went across road to park RV & drove car to check out local restaurants, found a deli/grill only open 7-3 so it caters to the commercial warehouses & stores around. Had a nice lunch, (good value for the money paid), drove back, hooked up & were away by 12:55 and on up hwy 15 to Temecula & their Wal-Mart, in at 1:45 @ 136449. Did our shopping, Sheila got a haircut and we are parked in a corner of their lot for the night. Then Sheila asked and was told that the city of Temecula will not allow then to allow overnight parking but if we go north on hwy 15 to Murieta there is a Wal-Mart there we definitely can stop in. So off we go, it is in the direction we need to go anyway so no problem, except that it is rush hour now so it is slow. We left Temecula at 4:45 and arrived in Murrieta at 5;25 @ 136464, only15 kms but slow due to rush hour. We are going out to Soup Plantation salad buffet restaurant for supper, in addition to a l-o-n-g salad bar they offer about 7 varieties of soup plus 3 pasta dishes, baked potatoes with lots of butter sour cream & a hot topping, then there are the deserts, and several varieties of drinks from milk, coffee, tea to several soda choices. It is a little more expensive than our usual buffet dinners at $12.00 each. We had a hard time finding it, the humongous mall it is in goes for about 400 blocks in every direction; however we eventually stumbled on it and had a great supper. Then home for the night. No TV, so we watched the DVD Sheila purchased in Burlington--Kathleen Madigan’s DVD, “Gone Madigan”. Kathleen is supposed to be “one of America’s funniest female comics”. It was funny in spots, but not hilarious. Sheila was disappointed that she used the “F” word quite frequently. She had hoped that because K.M. was described as “clever & not insulting”, she might not feel the need to swear. After that, I went to bed while Sheila stayed up to finish adding to & editing our journal. I have discovered I may have to dismount the TV & exchange it as I discovered that not only does the channel up/down button on the remote not work but the similar button on the TV also doesn’t change channels. I’ll look into it in Hemet when we are settled.

At the Murrieta Wal-Mart, 14 km north of Temecula, about a 45 min drive from Hemet

Feb 3 Thurs, Air museum in Balboa Park

Feb 3 Thurs Day 17 clear, sunny, cool in the shade. Hi – 63 F

Today is our San Diego Air & Space Museum day. It is in Balboa Park. We are off around 10:30 to 11:00 and there is so much to see we leave just as it is closing at 4:30. We did go out for lunch at the Japanese Tea Pavilion. They had some free 4D movie shorts that were fun to watch, plus we both went on the simulator to land the Space Shuttle, a dead stick landing as it has no propulsion so you glide it in. You get 3 tries for $6.00, after I finished they needed 3 new space shuttles! After two crashes, Sheila did a good landing, but she had help and advice from the operator. They had a kids’ area with a nice slow prop plane simulator, like a video game, you controlled the movements with the stick. This one I got on the runway, or should I say in the runway, the final picture showed the plane on its side one wing pointing straight up & the other buried in the runway! Sheila did no better. She crashed 3 times trying to fly over the hills to the runway & when she finally made it, crashed just short of it once & then on it! I don’t think either of us will be applying for jobs as pilots anytime soon! There were lots of neat aircraft, (civilian & military), paintings & bios of people who have made records in &/or furthered the evolution of aviation. Sheila focused on female aviators and was pleasantly surprised to discover that in addition to Emelia Earkhart whom everyone knows, there are a substantial number. One woman, a ferry pilot in WWII, holds more records for distance & altitude flying than anyone—male or female! Another, at age 59 is still the leader of a top-rated aerobatic team performing regularly in air shows. I’ll post some of the pictures. We arrived home by 5 pm, went to the hot tub and then had supper before it was TV time.

The Catalina PBY flying boat with armaments

The Cobra gunship. They had the rotors slowly turning on the display

The Spitfire display

2 German jet fighters from end of WWII, (the models hanging), with the actual engine on floor display. P51 Mustang in background

Lunch at the Japanese Tea Pavillion in Balboa Park

An experimentalsupersonic fighter that can land on water, it made several sussesful flights but was never developed into production

The "Blackbird"high altitude spy plane, single pilot, no attack aircraft could get high enough to shoot at it

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 2 Wed Day 16

Feb 2 Wed Day 16 clear, sunny, very windy

Paul & Yvonne pulled out today. We headed out to go up Soledad Mt. (under 1000 feet). It’s the highest area around and has a great 360 degree view up & down the coast & over the city. It also has a large cross on top on a raised built up dome area. Around the cross are low cement walls on which are mounted nice polished black marble plaques that commemorate US services veterans. It is an American Legion project and plaques are paid for by the families/relatives/friends. Only stipulation is that the veteran was in combat or combat zone deployment. After exploring there we drove down & through La Jolla area picking up supper at Vons, (Safeway’s other name), a 2 lb (907grm) roasted chicken for 5.99. The RV park has a giant TV, (approx 3 ft by 2 ½ ft), on which Sheila is going to watch “Live to Dance”. On the TV the news is about Egypt riots, terrible snow storms on the east coast & Midwest. Chicago had the 3rd worst snow storm in history, Oklahoma got 18 inches in one storm and north Texas has snow with minus 12 Fahrenheit temps, that’s about minus 24 C!

The cross on Soledad Mt with Sheila at base

South West towards Mission Bay area

looking North East up the "I" 5 corridor, white building is a Mormon church

North West up the coast from Soledad Mt

Feb 1 Tuesday Day 15

Feb 1 Tues Day 15 Clear & sunny, mild to warm–(in the sun)

After breakfast we head into town to the Old Town area to explore the Presidio. It has an old mission style building, 1920’s era, that is a San Diego history museum and it is on a hill so has a view over some of San Diego. After exploring the park we head home for tea\coffee & a hot tub session. The sun is nice & warm so sitting by the pool to dry off is fine. After supper tonight we go back to Balboa Park to “The Old Globe Theatre”, (a replica of the Globe Theatre of Shakespeare’s time in London), to see a musical comedy production of Jane Austin’s Emma. It was very professional, all the actors were miked so you could hear fine. The singing was excellent and there were some really funny lines & spots. Even though Jane Austen is hardly my kind of author it was quite a pleasant evening. On the return trip just as we were going to the I5 entrance we passed the San Diego Worldmark building.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jan 31 Mon Day 14

Jan 31 Mon Day 14 slight overcast but sunny & mild
In the morning I tried to set up the VCR, it seems to work but I am testing out timer recording & playback still. After a light lunch we took off in the car to drive to Crystal Beach Pier at Pacific Beach. It is one of those California piers that goes way out into the ocean. This one has small bungalows along each side about 1/3 of the way out. They sleep 4 and have a patio that looks out over the beach, only $300.00 a night. We walked out to the end of the pier and I took a video of the surf from near the end of the pier. Then we drove down to Belmont Park on Mission Bay Drive. They have an outdoor wave rider surfing area, (see video). There is also a giant indoor pool where you do lengths across the pool. There are rides & concession stands & shops but all mostly closed. We arrive home after stopping for a taco snack supper. Well timer & playback seem to have worked so once I secure it with a tie down we have a VCR. I went for a hot tub soak & then it is bridge time with Paul & Yvonne. After bridge I rewound the VCR tape & we watched Castle, VCR works fine.

Pacific Beach Pier with the cottages lining the shore sides, surf shots taken from far end

Cottages on the pier for $300.00 a night

surf simulator ride at Belmont Park

Surf rolling in from Pacific Beach pier, turn sound up to hear surf roar

On the pier at Pacific Beach

Jan 30, At Balboa Park

Jan 30 Sun Day 13 some cloud, sprinkles of rain & a bit cooler – 59\60 F
We are off to Balboa Park with Paul & Yvonne. We used their GPS to get there to test it out. It worked well. Sheila & I did a free park ranger guided tour for an hour, while Paul & Yvonne explored around on their own. Balboa Park is 1200 acres set aside to be a “park for the people” in 1868. It was named after Velasquez de Balboa, a Spanish explorer who discovered a route for the Panama Canal but who never came anywhere near San Diego. The ranger told some interesting stories about the history of the beautiful Spanish Colonial architecture on site. Built for the 1915 World Exposition, much of it has been reconstructed due to the temporary nature of the original construction which was only built to last 2 or 3 years. He also pointed out various trees & plants around the park, none of which are native to San Diego. The most striking of these were a 250 ft. Eucalyptus, and a Morton Bay Fig tree, both from Australia. The Fig tree was huge, but short--much like a Banyan tree. Its root system is 3x the area of the crown of the tree. The roots from this tree are presently growing under a nearby building. This strange tree also grows roots out from its larger branches, which, if they find their way to the ground, solidify to solid wood to help support the tree.
After the tour, we met up with Paul & Yvonne, & listened to the giant Spreckles Wurlitzer organ for a while. Then it was off to the international houses which are small 1 or 2 room cottages representing about 18 countries of the world. They each had cultural displays & and offered ethnic food samples, (mostly sweets & pastries) with coffee/lemonade etc for a small donation, ($1). While in Irish House. listening to 3 musicians playing Irish music, I was reading about the traditional Irish Christmas dinner. Besides the usual turkey, ham, potatoes, cranberry sauce, they listed “bread sauce”. So the bread sauce that our family always had & I make every Christmas goes back to Irish tradition. Whether it’s also English I don’t know. We also made it to the Timken Museum of Art, (free admission), and after it closed at 4:30 we headed home for supper & hot tubs & TV, stopping enroute for a few groceries.

another replicated 1915 building, this is an art gallery

some of the replicated architecture

tower & dome, 2 of only 3 of the original 1915 buildings left, others are all replicas