Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thurs Feb 17

Feb 17 Thurs Day 31 clearing, slight thin cloud, no wind, sunny & nice

Up to W.VB & we got enough to split into 2 pools, 12 to a pool. Then back to RV for lunch. Sheila & I were going to the Fox Trot dance lessons but there was no one there then we discovered it said 1PM one place with a request to sign up for it and in another it just said 1:15PM so we missed it. As Larry, Judy & Yvonne had said they were going to a movie I never heard of, Sheila opted to go while I stayed at the RV to catch up on blog postings & sweep the floor, (about a 5 minute of less job). The movie was called "Just go with It". Joan & Andre Toth, (Dogwood Roamers members from home), dropped in for a visit in the afternoon. They missed Sheila as she was off to the movie. It had Adam Sandler in it so I was glad I didn’t go but Sheila said he wasn’t an obnoxious jerk in this movie. When they got back it was decided to go to J & M Family Restaurant for supper, all 5 of us. I had the pork ribs for around $8 and ended up taking one of 3 giant ribs home, I filled up on the salad, baked potato & dessert. Back at GVP it is Mexican Train night so off we go. You put in 5 dimes each on a table of 6 players, you start at double 12 & go down to double zero. Each time someone goes out they get 20 cents with the balance of the money going to the lowest score. Today I put in my 50 cents and came home with $1.40; I went out 4 times & won the game money as well. The weather forecast is for cool, rainy weather for the next 2 or 3 days.

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