Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 7 Monday, Canada Day

Feb 7 Mon Day 21 sunny, clear, warm to hot

I went up to the office to see Michael, (the manager), and after I told him that the switch to actual months on the monthly bookings had left us 2 days short I asked for a double Passport America allowance – 6 days instead of 3 – he said “absolutely”, so problem solved, we are here until Fri morning March 18. I then joined the W.VB crowd which had already split into 2 pools by 10AM, apparently some people are starting at 9:30 as the weather is great & it is warm out. We had asked Larry & judy to see if they could get us tickets for the Canada Day BBQ event Mon starting at 4 till ???. However they couldn't buy any as they are Americans, they asked a Canadian to try but they sold out. There are far more Canadians down here than the official top capacity of the ballroom, 200 or so. So we arranged with Larry & Judy to do a “hands across the boarder” BBQ at our place for supper. We went out to WinCo supermarket for supplies, a US quart of milk, (3.785 ltrs), is $2.09, then home. Had a good supper and then off to cribbage in the Shuffleboard building. Sheila decided to stay home tonight. I came in fourth & managed to win back my dollar. We play 6 games of 4 to a table with the losing team moving to the next table & splitting so you always played with a different person. You peg your score, winners at 121 of course, & you take wherever you are on the board. Usually the top winner is someone who was on the winning team every table or only “lost” one game. Most of the evening games start about 7 & usually end around 9 or before 10. Then back to the RV for some TV. Sheila said that after I left, Les Bullis, (Roamers) phoned to say their plans had changed a bit. They were on their way to Texas to visit Dorothy’s brother, but because of the snow & horrific road conditions in N. Texas, they’d aborted that trip, turned around & drove to Holtville’s BLM lands. She told them we wouldn’t be going there this year & suggested that if they get bored in the desert, they come & try out GVP.

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