Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 23 Wed - Yvonne Leaves

Feb 23 Wed Day 37 cloudy & cool – low 50’s

I got up & made it to Yvonne’s site by 8:45 by skipping coffee & breakfast. Larry showed up a couple of minutes after I did. I helped her get the TV off the wall, (it could bounce up, come out of its supports & fall if left on the wall). Yvonne handed me the keys to back the truck up to hook up & I immediately handed them to Larry. Larry backed the truck up really well, he has often done backing to a trailer type hitch before, I haven’t. Then her right turn signal would not work on the trailer. After some fiddling with the bulb, Larry had the idea to squirt a bit of WD40 into the socket connectors, it worked & turn signal worked, a good idea to store in my brain for future reference. Yvonne away about 9:45. Back at the RV for coffee & breakfast. As it is still cloudy & cool we skipped W.VB. & went to a Health Fair they had running here to get info. We did a bunch of their free tests, (my BP was 166 over 80 & Sheila was 146 0ver 88), and all in all we didn’t come out too bad. My BMI (body mass index) was “slightly” high but quite OK, (Bren’s interpretation). There was another test to do with body fat, (I stalled on doing that one but finally did it). Test results showed that I should lose about 14 pounds, to be healthy. (I should put that in kgs – 6.3 – it doesn’t sound like much then). Sheila’s results showed that she should lose 25.4 lbs of fat ideally, & that a realistic goal for health purposes would be 12–13 lbs! She doesn’t think that’s very realistic though! I’m guessing we need to give away the candy & other goodies we travel with. We found out the above info & much more by standing barefoot on what looked like a large bathroom scale—ain’t technology grand! Sheila had really hoped to get her blood sugar levels checked, but the nurse doing it was delayed getting there for an hour & when she did finally come her glucose meter wasn’t working. The health fair provided a free lunch – nice "healthy" hot dogs, coleslaw & bags of potato chips. Various exhibitors provided snacks of chocolates, candy, cookies & pound cake. The only healthy snack there was some orange slices. Sheila said it should have been named the "Junk Food Fair". Though I didn't notice her saying "No" to any of them. The Fair went to about1 pm. When it ended we went with Larry, Judy & their friends Wilf & Jeanine, (a CDN cpl from Abbotsford), to Larry’s rig for strawberries & ice cream, followed by a game of Pegs & Jokers and all with much jovial conversation. We played teams, girls against boys, girls won by one peg, (we have 5 pegs each to get “home”, the boys had only 1 peg left out when they got all theirs in). Then home for a quick supper & off to GVP's dance tonight with a husband/wife duo named "Rainbow Cottage". They played several line dances some of which Sheila did and some 2-steps which is a couples dance where they go around the room one behind the other doing a set of steps & twirls. They played good music but were light on fast jives and had too many Cha Cha’s, line dances & 2 steps for me, but I would go again. We both prefer them to "The Country Exchange," another husband/wife duo that plays country& 50-60's stuff. We left just before it ended at 10 so I could catch the new “Criminal Minds, Suspect Behaviour” show.

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