Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jan 31 Mon Day 14

Jan 31 Mon Day 14 slight overcast but sunny & mild
In the morning I tried to set up the VCR, it seems to work but I am testing out timer recording & playback still. After a light lunch we took off in the car to drive to Crystal Beach Pier at Pacific Beach. It is one of those California piers that goes way out into the ocean. This one has small bungalows along each side about 1/3 of the way out. They sleep 4 and have a patio that looks out over the beach, only $300.00 a night. We walked out to the end of the pier and I took a video of the surf from near the end of the pier. Then we drove down to Belmont Park on Mission Bay Drive. They have an outdoor wave rider surfing area, (see video). There is also a giant indoor pool where you do lengths across the pool. There are rides & concession stands & shops but all mostly closed. We arrive home after stopping for a taco snack supper. Well timer & playback seem to have worked so once I secure it with a tie down we have a VCR. I went for a hot tub soak & then it is bridge time with Paul & Yvonne. After bridge I rewound the VCR tape & we watched Castle, VCR works fine.

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